Artist | S&L | S.E.T.I. | S.E.T.I.Project | Sabella, Bobby | Sadites, Jason | Sadler, Michael | Sadler, Neil | Sadstronaut | Saecula Saeculorum | Saeedi, Salim Ghazi | Saena | Saens | Saga | Sagrado | Sahara | Saiga Antelope | Sailor Free | Saint Just | Sakamoto, Ryuichi | Sakuraba, Motoi | Salada | Salander | Salem Hill | Saluki | Salva | Salzard, Laurent | Samla Mammas Manna | Sammal | Sammary | Sammelsurium | Samsara Blues Experiment | Samuel Jackson Five, The | Samurai | San MartÃn, Rodrigo | Sancious, David | Sand | Sandcastle | Sanderson, Amanda Kim | Sanderson, Dominic | Sandrose | Sandstone | Sanfilippo, Bruno | Sanguine Hum | Sanhedrin | Sanjay Mishra & Jerry Garcia | Santana | Santana, Carlos | Santana, Carlos & Mahavishnu John McLaughlin | Santhiago, Gustavo | Santo & Zappa | Santos, Dallton | São Paulo Underground | Sapsford, Jon Paul | Sarastro Blake | Sarcophagus Now | Saris | Sassi, Yossi | Satellite | Satin Whale | Satriani, Joe | Saturnia | Sauropoda | Savino, Fabrizio | Savoldelli, Boris | SBB | Sbonk | Scab, Dom F. | Scaladei | Scale The Summit | Scarlet Hollow | Scarlet Thread | Scenario | Schaefer, Eric | Scherani, Luca | Scherzoo | Schicke - Führs - Fröhling | Schiff, Don | Schizofrantik | Schleigho | Schmoelling, Johannes | Schnauser | Schneider, Fred | Schnellertollermeier | Schoener, Eberhard | Schoming, Julian | Schon, Neal | Schooltree | Schulze, Klaus | Schulze, Klaus & Lisa Gerrard | Schwarz, Nerissa | Sciarada | Science Friction | Science Group, The | Science NV | Scofield, John | Scofield, John & Pat Metheny | Scorpions | Scott Kinsey Mer Sal | Scott Reed's String Theory | Screaming Headless Torsos | Scythe | Se Delan | Sealand Airlines | Season Standard, The | Seasons Of Time | Sebastian Hardie | Sebkha Chott | Secchezza Delle Fauci | Second Hand | Second Sufis | Seconds Before Landing | Secret Chiefs 3 | Secret Green | Secret Machines | Secret Oyster | Secret Saucer | Secret Society of Starfish | Secret Tales | Secta Sonica | Security Project | Seefeel | Seffer, Yochk'o - Neffesh Music | Seid | Seismic Cry | Seldon | Seldon's Inquisitor | Semantic Saturation | Semente | Semiramis | Sendecki, Vladislav | Sendelica | Senogul | Sensations Fix | Sensations' Fix | Sense | Sensitiva Immagine | Serban (Dragan Kalinovic) | Seru Giran | Servants of Science | Setna | Sevag, Oystein & Lakki Patey | Seven Day Hunt | Seven Day Rain | Seven Impale | Seven Planets | Seven Reizh | Seven Side Diamond | Seven Steps to the Green Door | Seven That Spells | Seventh Wave | Seviour, Kim | Sezione Frenante | Sfaratthons | Sfogli, Marco | SH.TG.N | Shaa Khan | Shades of Dawn | Shadow Circus | Shadow Gallery | Shadow Merchant | Shadow Theory, The | Shadowfax | Shadowland | Shadows On Mercury | Shafi, Rishad | Shakary | Shake Stew | Shakti | Shakti With John McLaughlin | Shaku | Shamall | Shaman Elephant | Shamblemaths | Shankar, Lakshminarayana | Sharrock, Sonny | Sheehan, Billy | Shepherd, Rex | Sherinian, Derek | Sherwood, Billy | Shima, Yusuke | Shimakawa, Kenta | Shineback | Shingetsu | Shirley, Jeff | Shob | Shock, Bobby | Shrieve, Michael | Shub-Niggurath | Shumaun | Shurakay | Shwizz | Shylock | Siberry, Jane | Sick Boss | Siddharta | Siddhartha | Side Steps | Sieges Even | Siena Root | Sierra | Sifu Stephen Doe | Sight Unseen | Sigmund Snopek III | Signals of Bedlam | Signs Of One | Sigur Rós | Siiilk | Silberbart | Silent Grace | Silhouette | Silo | Silva-Torrealba, Francisco | Silver Key | Silver Lining | Silver Sunshine | Simak Dialog | simakDialog | Simeon Soul Charger | Simioni, Adrianne | Simon Dupree & The Big Sound | Simon Says | Simon, Alan | Simple Is Good | Simply They | Simpson, Benjamin | Sinclair, Dave | Sindicato De Asesinos Seriales | Sinestesia | Sinfield, Pete | Single Celled Organism | Single Helix | Singularity | Sinister Street | Sinkadus | Sintesi del Viaggio di Es | Sintesis | Sioum | Sirkis, Asaf | Sisare | Sisyphos | Sithonia | Sithu Aye | Six by Six | Six Days End | Six Elements | Six Organs Of Admittance | Six Parts Seven, The | SixNorth | Sjobring, Kris | SJS | Skaldowie | Ske | Skeem | skeleton breath | Skeleton Jazz Wizard | Skeptic Moon | Skid Row | Skin Alley | Skog Under Jord | Skryvania | Skull Cowboys | Sky | Sky Architect | Sky Window | Skyfox 8 | Skyron Orchestra | Skys, The | SkyTalk | Slang | Slapp Happy | Slatter, Tom | Sleeping People | Sleepy Sun | Slick, Julie | Slimey Things | Slippers | Slithey Tove | Slivovitz | Sloane Square Band | Sloche | Sloth Metropolis | Slow Electric | Slow Six | SLP | Slug Comparison | Slychosis | Smak | Smalltape | Smash The Crash | Smith, Judge | Smith, Malcolm | Smith, Michael W. | Smith, Wadada Leo | SmokeFish | Smokin' Granny | SMV | Smyth, Allen, Williamson | Smyth, Gilli | Snarky Puppy | Snarling Adjective Convention | Snopek | Snopek III, Sigmund | Snowman | So Far As I Know | Social Tension | Socrates | Soft Ffog | Soft Head | Soft Heap | Soft Machine | Soft Machine Legacy | Soft Works | Soften the Glare | Sol y Medianoche | Solace Supplice | Solar Lodge | Solar Project | Solar Wind | Solarhall | Solari, Frank | Solaris | Solid Bronze | Solis Lacus | Sollo, Daniele | Solstein | Solstice | Solstice Coil | Solterra | Solum | Solus3 | Solution | Som Nosso De Cada Dia | Soma | Soma Planet | Somay, Bulent | Sombre Reptile | Somnambulist | Somodo | Sonar | Sonata Islands Kommandoh | Sonic Music | Sonic Paradox | Sonic Pulsar | Sonic Sight | Soniq Circus | Soniq Theater | Sonique Sanctuary | Sontaag | Sonus Umbra | Sophya Baccini's Aradia | Sorensen, Nicklas | Sotos | Soucy, Richard | Soul Enema | Soul Secret | SoulenginE | Soultime | Sound Of Contact | Soundrise | Sounds Like The End Of The World | Soundscape | Soup | Souq | Source, The | Southern Empire | Space Circus | Space Mirrors | Spaced Out | Spada, Tony | Spaltklang | Spare Parts | Sparks | Spastic Ink | Special Providence | Specimen 13 | Spectra | Spectrum | Spectrum Orchestrum | Spectrum Road | Speechless | Speer, Paul | Spektakel | Spellcasters | Sperrmull | Spettri | Spheeris, Chris | Sphelm | Sphere3 | Spherical Agenda | Spheroe | Spin XXI | Spiral Architect | Spiral Key | Spiral Orchestra | Spiraless | Spiraling | Spiralmaze | Spirergy | Spiritraiser | Spirits Burning & Clearlight | Spirits Burning & Michael Moorcock | Spiritual Beggars | Spirogyra | Spleen Arcana | Split Enz | Spock's Beard | Spoke Of Shadows | Spontaneous Rex | Spooky Tooth | Spriggan Mist | Spriguns Of Tolgus | Spring | Springett, Martin | Sproingg | Spurling, Robert | Sputnik | Spy Blood | Squackett | Squat Club | Squeaky Feet | Squire, Chris | Squire, Chris & Alan White (Yes) | Squonk Opera | Srdjan Ivanovic Blazin' Quartet | St.Tropez | Stabat Akish | Stackridge | Stan-X | Star Fk Radium | Star One | Star People | Star Period Star | Starcastle | starfish64 | Stark, Chris | Stark, Tomas | Stark, Tomas with John Eyre | Starless | Starless Sun | Starsabout | State Urge | Static | Stealing The Fire | Steam Theory | Steamhammer | Steele, Jim | Steeleye Span | Steensland, Simon | Steig, Jeremy | Stein, Ira | Stein, Ira & Russel Walder | Steinhardt, Robby | Stella Lee Jones | Stencil Forest | Step Ahead | StereoKimono | Stereolab | Stern, Mike | Stern-Combo Meissen | Steve Bonino Project | Steve Howe Trio | Steve Rothery Band | Stevegane Project | Stevens, Matt | Stevens, Steve | Stevens, Sufjan | Stick Men | Stig | Stirrup+6 | Stolen Earth | Stolt, Roine | Stone Umbrella | Stonehenge | StootS | Stop Motion Orchestra | Storm Chronicles | Storm Corrosion | Stormy Six | Straight Light | Stramonio | Strandberg Project | Strangefish | Stratospheerius | Strattman | Stratus Luna | Strawberry Fields | Strawberry Girls | Strawbs | Strawbs, The | Strawser, Pat | Stream Of Passion | Strings Arguments | Strings of Consciousness | Stromboli | STS9 | Stuart, Alex | Stuckfish | Stuermer, Daryl | Styx | Sube | Subject to Thoughts | Subjective Map | Submarine Silence | Subsignal | Subtilior | Suburban Savages | Sudakow, James | Sudler's Row | Suhy, Silvergold & Alvarado | Sula Bassana | Sumdeus | Summers, Andy | Sun Caged | Sun Domingo | Sun Ra | Sunbirds | Sunchild | Sunday All Over The World | Sundfør, Susanne | Sunface | Sungrazer | Sunrise Auranaut | Sunrise Sunset Project | Suns Of The Tundra | Sunscape | Suntower | Supay | Superdensecrushloadfactor | Superdrama | Superfluous Motor | Supernal Endgame | Supersister | Supertramp | Supper's Ready | Surreal Planet | Survival | Surya | Swappers Eleven | Swart, Peter | Sweet Smoke | Swifan Eolh & The Mudra Choir | Swimmer | Swita, Agnieszka | Swunk | Syd Arthur | Sykofant | Sylvan | Sylvan, Nad | Sylvian & Fripp | Sylvian, David | Sylvium | Symphonic Slam | Sympozion | Syn, The | Synaesthesia | Syncage | Syncatto | Syncromind Project | Syndone | Synergy | Synopsis | Synthology | Syrek | Syrinx | Syrinx Call | Syrius | Systems Theory | Syzygy | Szecsi, Zoltan | Szobel, Hermann |