Artist | M-Opus | M. Efekt | Maailmanpuu | Mabel Greer's Toyshop | Macado, Machy | Macalpine, Tony | Maccagnan, Marcelo | MacDonald, Bryan | MacHacek | Machacek, Alex | Machado, Luis Alberto | Machiavel | Machine And The Synergetic Nuts | Machine Mass | Machines Dream | Macìa, Manoel | Mackay, Duncan | Mackenzie Theory | Macleuri, André | Macre, Joe | Macro Marco | Macroscream | Mad Crayon | Mad Fellaz | Madárfogás | Madder Lake | Made In Sweden | Made of Water | Madelgaire | Madonia, Dean | Madrigal | Mads Vinding Group | Mae, Vanessa | Maelström Percussion Ensemble | Maestoso | Magdalena | Magdalena Solis | Magellan | Magellan Music | Magenta | Magenta w/Annie Haslam | Maggiore, Giorgio | Magia Nera | Magic Bus | Magic Elf, The | Magic Pie | Magicfolk | Magician's Red | Magick Brother & Mystic Sister | Magik Saturn | Maglev | Magma | Magnesis | Magnetic Sound Machine | Magnetophone | Magnolia | Magnus, Nick | Mägo de Oz | Magrathea | Magus | Mahagon | Mahavishnu Orchestra | Mahavishnu Project | Mahjun | Mahogany Frog | Mahtrak | Maiden uniteD | Main, Bruce | Mainhorse | Mainhorse Airline | Majestic | Major Parkinson | Makajodama | Making Minds | makkiwhipdies | Makoto Kitayam with Shingets.. | Makovsky, Milos | Malaavia | Malady | Malheiros, Alex | Malherbe, Didier | Malibran | Malicorne | Malitz, Marc | Malmsteen, Yngwie | Malone, Sean | Maloney, Mack | Mamma Non Piangere | Mammoth | Man | Man In Space | Man Jumping | Man On Fire | Manaf, Tesla | Mancebo, Rodrigo | Mancunian Candidate | Mancuso, Matteo | Mandala | Mandalaband | Mandibulbe | ManDoki Soulmates | Mandrake | Mandrake Project | Mandy Morton And Spriguns | Maneige | Manfred Mann | Manfred Mann Chapter III | Manfred Mann's Earth Band | Mangala Vallis | Mangione, Chuck | Mangrove | Manna/Mirage | Mannheim Steamroller | Manning | Manning, Guy | Manring, Michael | Mantel, Eric | Manticore | Mantler, Michael | Mantra Vega | Mantras, The | Mantric Muse | Manugen | Manzanera, Phil | Manzarek, Ray | Maps & Atlases | Maquina | maquinas | Mar de Robles | Marathon | Marbin | Marblewood | March | Marchesi Scamorza | Marching Mind | Marekvist | Marillion | Mark Dean's Caldera | Mark Kelly's Marathon | Mark Murdock & Dmitry M. Epstein | Mark Wingfield & Gary Husband | Mark Wingfield with Jane Chapman and Adriano Adewale | Markus Reuter & Stefano Castagna | Markus Venehsalo & Mavon Safia | Markusfeld, Alain | Marotta Griesgraber | Mars Hollow | Mars Red Sky | Mars Volta, The | Marshall, Mike & Darol Anger | Marsupial | Marsupilami | Marsyas | Martigan | Martin, Felix | Martinelli, Kevin | Martini Henry | Martino, Pat | Martino, Rob | Martinoia, Julien | Martone, Dave | Marty Z | Martz, Jasun | Marvelous Kid | Mary Newsletter | Marygold | Masal | Maschera Di Cera, La | Maschine | Maserati | Masfel | Masheen Messiah | Mask | Mask Of Confidence | Mason, Nick | Masque | Mass Of The Sun | Massimo Mazzeo & Paolo Sommariva | Massive Attack | Massois, Gerald | Masson, Colin | Massoud Godemann Trio | Master Of Ceremony | Master's Apprentice | Mastermind | Matching Mole | Mater Dea | Material | MaterialEyes | Materya | Matharu, Jay | Mathematicians | Mathews, Thom | Matos, Alejandro | Matraz | Matrix | Mats/Morgan | Matsui, Kazu | Matsumoto, Tak | Mattsson | Maudlin Of The Well | Maupin, Bennie | Mauro Martello & Sezione Frenante | Maury E I Pronomi | Mavara | Max Webster | Maximum Indifference | Maxophone | Maxwell's Demon | May, Nick | Maya | Maybeshewill | Mayfair | Mays, Lyle | Maze of Sound | Maze of Time | McBride, Brian | McBride, Christian Band | McDonald & Giles | McGill, Scott | McGill, Scott's Hand Farm | McGill-Manring-Stevens | McGregor, Isamu | McKechnie, Simon | McLaughlin, John | McLuhan | McStine & Minnemann | Meade, Laura | Meat Cafe Vol. 3 | Medea | Medeski, Martin & Wood | Medeski, Martin, and Wood | Medeski, Scofield, Martin, and Wood | MediaBanda | Meer | Mehldau, Brad | Mehra, Varun | Mehran | Meier, Nicolas | Melange | Meles Lutra | Mélia | Melilotus | Meliora | Meller, Maciej | Mellow Candle | Melting Clock | Melting Euphoria | Melvin's Nosehair | Memoriance | Memories Of Machines | Men of Lake | Menayeri | Mendoza, Pablo | Meniscus | Menn, Gretchen | Mentat Routage | Mercer | Mercury Program, The | Mercury Tree, The | Meret | Merging Cluster | Meridian Incident | Meridian Voice | Merlin Bird, The | Mermaid Kiss | Mertanen, Janne | Mertens, Wim | MesaVerde | Mescaliner | Mesmerising | Mess | Messenger | Meta | Metabolisme | Metaconciencia | Metamorfosi | Metamorphosis | Metaphor | MetaQuorum | Metheny, Pat | Methexis | Metronhomme | Metus | Mew | Mezquita | Mezzodi, Flavio | MFTJ | MIA | Mice On Stilts | Michael Bernier & Ritchie DeCarlo | Mickey Hart Band | Micromassé | Microscopic Septet | Mid Atlantic Title | Midas | Midas Fall | Midgley, Gordon | Midnight Sun | Might Could | Migraine | Mike Stern & Jeff Lorber Fusion | Mike, Chris | Mikromidas | Milburn, Lloyd | Mildlife | Mile Marker Zero | Miles, Barry | Milhaven | Milla | Millenium | Millennium Trilogy Project | Miller, Dominic | Miller, Marcus | Miller, Phil | Miller, Rick | Millo, Mario | Milton Man Gogh | Mimes On Rollercoasters | Minami Deutsch | Minasian, David | Mind Furniture | Mind Gallery | Mind Portal | Mind Split Effect | Mindflower | Mindflowers | Mindgames | Mindscrub | Mindspeak | Mindwalk | Mindworm | Minimum Vital | Mink, Ben | Minnemann, Marco | Minor Giant | Minstrel's Ghost, The | Minutian | Mirage | Miriodor | Mirlitorrinco | Mirror | Mirthkon | Mirthrandir | Misa Micevski Group | Misfits of Sythia | Missing Link | Missus Beastly | Mist Season | Mitchell, Kenny | Mitchell, Larry | Mizmar | Mizukagami | Mizutani, Kimio | MJ12 | MMCircle | MO. DO. | mobiUS | Mobius Strip | Modern-Rock Ensemble | Modest Midget | Modry Efekt | Moebius Brain | Moebius Cat | Moerlen, Pierre | MoeTar | Mogador | Mogul Thrash | Mogwai | Mohodisco | Moizan, Gerald | Mojo Pojo | Moksha | Mold, Colin | Moleslope | Mollmaskin | Molly Tigre | Molvaer, Nils Petter | Mona Lisa | Monarch Trail | Mondo Drag | Mongol | Monkey3 | Mono | Monobody | Monolith Orchestra | Monomyth | Montaña Electrica | Montana Skies | Montechiari Project | Montefeltro | Montfort, Matthew | Montreux | Montrose | Montrose, Ronnie | Moody Blues, The | Moogg | Moon Duo | Moon Fog Prophet | Moon Halo | Moon Letters | Moon Men | Moon Safari | Mooncake | Moongarden | Moonparticle | Moonrise | Moonshine Blast | Moonstriker | Moonswing | Moonwagon | Moor, The | Moore, Kevin | Moore, Steve | Moraine | Moraz Alban Project | Moraz, Pat / John Wetton / Bill Bruford | Moraz, Patrick | Moraz, Patrick + Bill Bruford | Mordecai Smyth | Morfe | Morgan | Morgen Jass | Morglbl | Morild | Morph | Morphelia | Morpheus | Morreale | Morrigan, The | Morrison, Liam | Morse Code | Morse, Alan | Morse, Neal | Morse, Steve | Morse, Tim | Morte Macabre | Mosaic | Mosher, Scott | Mostly Autumn | Moth | Moth Vellum | Mother Black Cap | Mother Gong | Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Co. 1970 - 1973 | Mother Turtle | Mothertongue | Mothlite | Motian, Paul | Motiffe | Motis | Moto Perpetuo | Motorpsycho | Motorpsycho and Jaga Jazzist | Motschmann, Johannes | Moulettes | Moulin, Marc | Mountain Mirrors | Mourning Knight | Mouse On The Keys | Mouzon, Alphonse | Move, The | Movements, The | Movers | Moving Gelatine Plates | Mr Averell | Mr. Brown | Mr. Gil | Mr. Hyde | Mr. Putiferio | Mr. Sirius | Mr. So & So | Mr. Toad | Mrs. Fun | MRW | MSA Project | Mucchio, Il | MudWay | Muffins, The | Mugen | Mujician | Mukerji, Rahul | Mulder, Eddie | Multi Story | Multi-Story | Multifuse | Mumpbeak | Munju | Munoz, Jonathan | Murdock, Mark | Murky Red | Muros De Agua | Murple | Mururoa | Museo Rosenbach | Mushroom | Mushy | Musica Ficta | Musique Noise | Mussi, Cristiano | Mutantes | Mute Albino | Mute Gods, The | Mutesite | Muthspiel, Wolfgang | Muvovum | MVI | My Brother The Wind | My Education | My Name Is Janet | My Sleeping Karma | My Solid Ground | My Tricksy Spirit | Myriad | Myster Möbius | Mysteria Noctis | Mysteries of the Revolution | Mystery | Myth of Logic | Myth of Progress | Mythology | Mythopoeic Mind | Mythos |
Album | Year | | Why? | 1971 |