Artist | Ra | Ra Quintet | Rabin, Adam | Rabin, Trevor | Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno | Rachel's Birthday | Radio Massacre International | Radio Piece III | Radiohead | Rael | Rafart | Rag I Ryggen | Ragnarok | Ragni, Marco | Rahmann | Raimondi, Fred | Rain | Rain Tree Crow | Rainbow Danger Club | Rainbow Face | Rainbow Serpent | Raison de Plus | Rak | Ramases | Ramoncín | Random Deeds | Random Earth Project | Random Hold | Randone | Randy Brecker & NDR Bigband | RanestRane | Rantama Trio | Raoul Bjorkenheim - eCsTaSy | Raoul Bjorkenheim / eCsTaSy | Raptor Trail, The | Rare Bird | Rare Blend | Rascal Reporters | Rascati, Rick | Ratgrave | Rational Diet | Ratko Zjaca & Nocturnal Four | Rausch | Raven Sad | Rayburn | Raza | Razor Wire Shrine | rc2 | Rea, Dennis | Reader | Reading Zero | Real Illusion | Reale Accademia Di Musica | Realisea | Realpe, Daniel | Reasoning, The | Rebekka | Rebel Wheel, The | Reber, Tobias | Rech, Zózimo | Rech, Zozimo & Adrienne Simioni | Rechardt, Rakku | Recordando O vale das Maçãs | Red Bazar | Red Jasper | Red Kite | Red Lloyd | Red Masque | Red Morris | Red Orchid | Red Sand | Red Sparowes | Red Star Revolt | Red Summer | Red32 | Redmond, Layne | Redricksultan | Redundant Rocker, The | RedZen, The | Reed, Alan | Reed, Preston | Reed, Robert | Reegonatti Band | Rees, Kevin | Refay, Fernando | Reformat | Reformation, The | Refugee | Regal Worm | Regardless | Regent | Regna | Regressor | Reich, Steve | Reid, Curtis | Reign Of Kindo, The | Reija, Xavi | Reindel | Reinhardt, Jonas | Relayer | Religa, Arek | Relocator | Rémi Orts Project | Rémi Orts Project & Patrice Locci | Renaissance | Renaud Louis-Servais Group | Renegade Priest | Repple and Marco Minnemann | Residents, The | Residuos Mentales | Resistor | Resonance Band | Retreat From Moscow | Retroheads | Retrospective | Retrovati | Retsam Suriv | Return To Forever | Returned To The Earth | Reut Regev's R*time | Reuter Motzer Grohowski | Reuter, Markus | Reuter, Markus & Ian Boddy | Reuter, Markus and Robert Rich | Reverie | Reversal Symmetry | Revis, Eric | REVOLUSHN | Reyes, Jorge | Rez Abbasi & Junction | Rhapsody | Rhapsody of Fire | Rhesus O | Rhodes, Happy | Rhun | Rhy Dongju | Rhys Marsh And The Autumn Ghost | Rhythm of Mars | Ricco, Saul | Rich, Robert | Richard Pinhas & Barry Cleveland | Ricocher | Ricochet | Riff Raff | Riff, Amit | Rigel Michelena | Rigoni, Alberto | Riis, Bjorn | Riis, Bjørn | Rikk Eccent | Riley, Terry | Rinaldi, Walter | Ring of Myth | Ring Van Möbius | Ringstrom, Carl Morner | Rinnesya | Rise | Rise and the Fall of the Pterodactyl, The | Rise Of Realism | Rishloo | Ritenour, Lee | Ritual | Rivendel | Riversea | Riverside | Riverside Project | Riveryman | Rivest, Jacques Tom | Rizengard | Roa's Ark | Roa, Carl | Road, The | Roads To Damascus | Rob Mazurek / Exploding Star Orchestra | Rob Mazurek and Black Cube SP | Rob Mazurek Octet | Robbins, Janet | Robeone | Robert Fripp String Quintet, The | Robert Rich & Ian Boddy | Robert Svilpa & Paraesthesia | Roberto, Dante | Robertson, Bob | Robertson, Jamie | Robin & the Woods | Robinson, Jason | Rockaphonica | Rocket Scientists | Rocking Horse Music Club | Rocktropolis | Rodrigo Y Gabriela | Rodriguez, Rod | Rodulfo, Raimundo | Roedelius | Roedelius, Hans-Joachim | Roger Clark Miller | Roger Floyd | Rogers, Lee | Roine Stolt's The Flower King | Rojas, Matthew | Rolf Zero | Roller Trio | Roman Schuler extended Trio | Romantechs | Rome Pro(g)ject, The | Ron, Yuval | Rondat, Patrick | Rondo Veneziano | Ronfetto, Davide | Rongey, Kurt | Roolaart, Anton | Room | Room, The | Roope Kivimaa | Roos, Randy | Root | Roots of Orchis, The | Rosa Luxemburg | Rosas, Jaime | Rosberg, David | Rose, David | Rosenhof, Alex | Rosqvist, Kasper | Rossa, La | Rossi, William Red | Roswell Six | Roth, Uli John | Rothbard, Andrew Douglas | Rothenberg Wostheinrich Nicholas | Rothery, Steve | Round House | Roussak, Andrew | Rousseau | Roversi, Cristiano | Rovescio Della Medaglia, Il | Rovo | Rovo and System 7 | Roxy Music | Royal Hunt | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra | Royal Time Machine | Roz Vitalis | Rozich and Brailsford | RPWL | RSC | RTFACT | Rube Goldberg Machine | Rubenstein, Jason | Rubin, Barbara | Ruby Dawn | Ruckzuck | Rudess, Jordan | Rudess/Morgenstein Project | Rufus Zuphall | Ruins | Ruins-alone | Ruiz, Jorge Lopez 5 | Rule, Cyndee Lee | Rumblin' Orchestra | Runaway Totem | Rundgren, Todd | Rupert Selection, The | Ruphus | Rusch, Ben | Rush | Russell, Ray | Russian Circles | Rutherford, Mike | Rybytskyy, Sergey | Rymo | Rypdal, Terje | Rypdal, Terje · Miroslav Vitous · Jack DeJohnette | Røsenkreütz |