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Old 06-25-2009, 09:24 PM
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The Fusion Reactor #249 - Don't Touch That!

I have a little translator that goes between Spanish and English. It's the very cheap model, and it isn't very good. My friend wanted to look up how to say something ordinary and very helpfully told him how to say "May I smell it?" or "May I touch it?"

Tonight's show is based on things that might not be so good to touch. But then again, maybe they are OK to touch, we just have the idea that they're not.

Frog - Isotope 2:27
Snake Oil - Tony Williams Lifetime 6:30
Snake - Passport 4:39
The Flyman and the Snake - Timothy Pure 5:21
Snakes Got Legs - Michael Manring 5:00
The Worm - Steen Grøntved 5:04
The Snake - Joe Satriani 4:43
Engembert the Inchworm - Sun Caged 4:36
Diet Of Worms - Doug Powell 5:04
Snakes And Apples - Kit Watkins 9:34
Grow Worm - Sleeping People 4:19
Snake Charmer - Byron Nemeth Group 8:23
Quantum Leapfrog - Proto-Kaw 5:44
Worms - Medeski Martin & Wood 5:06
Terra Sancta - Frogg Cafe 9:42
Land Of The Bag Snake - Soft Machine 5:07
Blood Of The Snake - Derek Sherinian 6:09
Shiny Golden Snakes - Birdsongs Of The Mesozoic 3:06
My Dear Wormwood - Echolyn 3:36
T-Tigers & Toasters - Mahogany Frog 11:11
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