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Old 07-01-2008, 11:43 AM
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My Trip To Peru

A number of people have asked me to tell about my trip to Peru. Please note that this was a mission trip and therefore will contain some spiritual content. If that's going to cause you to get upset, perhaps you'd be better off skipping this post. If you heard The Fusion Reactor for the last two weeks, you will have heard some of this already, but nevertheless let's dive right in...

First, let me start off by thanking everyone who committed to pray for us on this trip. Your prayers were definitely heard. I had no idea what to expect, except for one thing: that God would move. What I didn't realize was how much! We thought we were going there to work on a children's home and minister to the orphans there, but God had much more in store for us.

19 people from my local church went. The leadership team seemed to think that two weeks would be too much for some of them, so two teams were devised, who would minister for one week each. There would be five people who would stay for two weeks. I happened to be one of those who stayed for two weeks. So the first team consisted of 11 mostly younger people (high school and college age), and the second team had 13 people with a much wider age range - from 18 to 72.

We left Pittsburgh on Thursday, June 12th at 12:25 PM, and didn't arrive in Tingo Maria, Peru until 11:30 PM on Friday. Needless to say, we were exhausted. The longest part was the bus trip from Lima to Tingo Maria. Everyone claims it's a 12-hour ride, but it took us 15. At least it was a nice bus and it was light most of the time. Peru is a beautiful country and the bus ride is a great way to see it as we wound through the Andes (with Frank Zappa's "Inca Roads" playing in my head). The cities of Peru, however, tell a different story than the countryside. There we saw heartbreaking poverty. But we arrived in Tingo Maria safely with only a few minor cases of motion sickness.

Perhaps the most amazing thing was the church there. Our first experience there was the Saturday night youth service, which apparently means anyone from about age 10 to age 80. We were introduced to a song the kids really liked. I'm not sure of the name but we called it "Conquistador." I tried to find out who sang it originally but never got a very clear answer. I can play the music on the guitar but the words are another story. So if anyone knows of a song whose chorus goes "Yo soy un conquistador, yo soy más que vencedor" I'd love to know the rest of the words and who sings it. Our youth group would love it. Much Googling turned up nothing, so I turn to you for help there.

Anyhow, the youth service was our first glimpse of the people's heart. Like I said, much of Peru is very poor, but these people are so rich in the Lord! I can't begin to describe how enthusiastically these people worshiped, prayed, preached, and gave their hearts willingly to God. I regularly attend what I see (saw!) as a lively, Spirit-filled worship service, but these folks put us to shame! There was an altar call and immediately we saw nearly everyone there up front asking us for prayer.

Sunday, amazingly enough, was just as intense... only times 4 because they have four services. Each one was packed and very emotional. I did spend one of these in the children's church but it was just as moving. We also did some street evangelism where the youth group took some sound equipment to the center of town and started singing, dancing, performing skits, and preaching the gospel. Quite amazing. We passed out tracts and tried to understand what the Spanish-speaking locals were saying to us. At least my Spanish improved after an 18-year lapse since I really used it. Frankly, I'm amazed at how much I remembered.

One of the things we learned in church that Sunday was that we would be doing a youth service at the local Christian school every night that week. That's a good thing to know! We also did some devotionals there with the kids during the day in addition to working on the children's home.

The children's home (not to be called an orphanage anymore) currently has one floor and about 8 rooms with bunk beds, bathrooms, a kitchen, and an eating/recreation room. A married couple lives there and takes care of the kids full time. We were helping to build a second floor which will end up holding a lot more rooms. There are hired construction workers doing the technical work, while we did the unskilled labor. Most of what we did involved cutting rebar to various lengths and bending it to form what would end up being the beams in the second level ceiling (and eventually third level floor). That and some heavy lifting of spars (basically fairly straight 4-5" thick trees that had been cut to a certain length) that ended up being the scaffolding for the walls and ceilings.

We saw some of the children who lived there and took a few of the older ones to the youth services that week, but we didn't get to spend much time with them that week. Our schedule was very full already and these youth services often didn't end until after 10 PM.

The second week was similar but different. Youth service on Saturday, church and evangelism on Sunday, work on the children's home, a few women's services and devotionals with the kids during the week, and one final youth service where they told us how much we touched their lives while we were there. Funny, we wanted to express how much *they* touched *our* lives! We also spent a lot of time hanging out with the kids in the children's home and showing them God's love.

Apparently that area in Peru was hit extremely hard by drug trafficking and terrorism a number of years ago, and then it was made even worse by a nasty civil war, leaving a number of kids orphaned. The government has really done a lot in recent years to clean up the drug traffic and there is a permanent military presence in the town to keep things safe. We felt safe, anyhow. Hopefully that's not just our naivety, but we didn't run into any unsavory people or situations.

A special thanks goes out to Shane from Orphan Project, who sent us a bunch of CDs to give away to the kids there. It's nice to be able to give something to people who have nothing, and few gifts are greater than the gift of prog! ;-) We also brought a whole bunch of clothing and games for the kids, which were definitely needed. The night before we left we discovered that we had more than enough money to get back home so we gave all the extra to the couple who live and work there. They told us that they had just been telling the kids to pray because they had no money to buy food for that week, and now they'll be able to eat!

The trip back to the U.S. was much the same as the trip there, only (obviously) in reverse. The bus ride may have only been 14.5 hours this time. It felt shorter, but perhaps that's because it was at the beginning of the voyage instead of the end. We left at about 5 AM Friday and arrived back in Pittsburgh at 3 PM on Saturday the 28th. Everyone had a great time and we're praying that God will bring us back next year.
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Old 07-01-2008, 02:28 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru


Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and how the Lord used you and those with you to touch the lives of the Peruvians. May the Lord bless you and those who went with you.

You tell a great story and make the wonder of it come alive. I really appreciate your willingness to be used.

Regards from Texas,
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Old 07-02-2008, 06:29 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Thank you Moses. I immerse myself in what I am doing and have very little understanding with what goes on in the real world. It's so refreshing to read about something that is beneficial to both you and others, and I appreciated you relaying your experiences. I'll make sure I thank you again next time we cross paths.

I'm really glad that Shane was able to give you the CD's. He does a lot of work...
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Old 07-02-2008, 06:51 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by moses View Post
Perhaps the most amazing thing was the church there. Our first experience there was the Saturday night youth service, which apparently means anyone from about age 10 to age 80. We were introduced to a song the kids really liked. I'm not sure of the name but we called it "Conquistador." I tried to find out who sang it originally but never got a very clear answer. I can play the music on the guitar but the words are another story. So if anyone knows of a song whose chorus goes "Yo soy un conquistador, yo soy más que vencedor" I'd love to know the rest of the words and who sings it. Our youth group would love it. Much Googling turned up nothing, so I turn to you for help there.
Do I see another Procol Harum lawsuit on the horizon?

Originally Posted by moses View Post
A special thanks goes out to Shane from Orphan Project, who sent us a bunch of CDs to give away to the kids there. It's nice to be able to give something to people who have nothing, and few gifts are greater than the gift of prog! ;-) We also brought a whole bunch of clothing and games for the kids, which were definitely needed. The night before we left we discovered that we had more than enough money to get back home so we gave all the extra to the couple who live and work there. They told us that they had just been telling the kids to pray because they had no money to buy food for that week, and now they'll be able to eat!
The seems a rather inappropriate gift for someone who has nothing? And, how will they play the CD?
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Old 07-02-2008, 08:00 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by VAXman View Post
Do I see another Procol Harum lawsuit on the horizon?
That definitely occurred to me but the songs sound nothing alike.

Originally Posted by VAXman View Post
The seems a rather inappropriate gift for someone who has nothing? And, how will they play the CD?
Do you mean the food, clothing and toys or the CD? Don't answer that, I know. It occurred to me too. But there is a CD player in the children's home, so they can listen to it along with a bunch of other CDs that have been donated.

I also left them the guitar I brought with me - unfortunately it was a very cheap one I wasn't worried about getting ruined by airports or travel or weather or kids. I had no problem bringing it on the planes (as a "personal item") or with anything else. The folks who work there said they can teach the kids how to play it and are also getting a keyboard and a drum set from someone else. So with Orphan Project CDs and a budding band of orphans on the horizon, look out for Proyecto Huerfano in a few years!
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Old 07-02-2008, 08:40 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by moses View Post
That definitely occurred to me but the songs sound nothing alike.

Do you mean the food, clothing and toys or the CD? Don't answer that, I know. It occurred to me too. But there is a CD player in the children's home, so they can listen to it along with a bunch of other CDs that have been donated.

I also left them the guitar I brought with me - unfortunately it was a very cheap one I wasn't worried about getting ruined by airports or travel or weather or kids. I had no problem bringing it on the planes (as a "personal item") or with anything else. The folks who work there said they can teach the kids how to play it and are also getting a keyboard and a drum set from someone else. So with Orphan Project CDs and a budding band of orphans on the horizon, look out for Proyecto Huerfano in a few years!
As a big fan of the latin prog scene, that would be great.
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Old 07-02-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

[Yo Soy Conquistador]

Originally Posted by moses
I can play the music on the guitar but the words are another story. So if anyone knows of a song whose chorus goes "Yo soy un conquistador, yo soy más que vencedor" I'd love to know the rest of the words and who sings it. Our youth group would love it. Much Googling turned up nothing, so I turn to you for help there.
Hrm. I wonder if getting a sample and posting it might help matters. I have this feeling that it might be either a local staple or maybe a revision on something older.

Originally Posted by moses
Anyhow, the youth service was our first glimpse of the people's heart. Like I said, much of Peru is very poor, but these people are so rich in the Lord! I can't begin to describe how enthusiastically these people worshiped, prayed, preached, and gave their hearts willingly to God. I regularly attend what I see (saw!) as a lively, Spirit-filled worship service, but these folks put us to shame! There was an altar call and immediately we saw nearly everyone there up front asking us for prayer.
I've been through a significant number of South American countries, and I know this poverty of which you speak. But one thing that struck me is that once all the pretense is stripped away, having money and being rich are not necessarily mututally inclusive. As a matter of fact, I've seen a lot of people who were on the one hand quite poor, and on the other richer than Bill Gates.

Originally Posted by moses
Apparently that area in Peru was hit extremely hard by drug trafficking and terrorism a number of years ago, and then it was made even worse by a nasty civil war, leaving a number of kids orphaned.
Ah, the "Shining Path" or "Sendero Luminoso". A Maoist/Marxist group of thugs that wants to cram Maoism down the throats of the Peruvians, whether they want it or not. This, coupled with the fact that the current government wasn't that interested in being replaced by Sendero Luminoso led to some very unpleasant happenings. That was an extraordinarily brutal period for an already traumatized population.

Anyway, let me know if you can record a snippet of that song. Let's see if we can't find out the origin. I wonder if perhaps some of the Brazilian or Uruguayan contingency around here might be able to help out.
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:12 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by Roger -Dot- Lee View Post
[Yo Soy Conquistador]
I've been through a significant number of South American countries, and I know this poverty of which you speak. But one thing that struck me is that once all the pretense is stripped away, having money and being rich are not necessarily mututally inclusive. As a matter of fact, I've seen a lot of people who were on the one hand quite poor, and on the other richer than Bill Gates.
Yes yes that's exactly it. Poor in material stuff, but rich in spiritual matters.

I'll see what I can do with the song when I get a spare moment...
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Old 07-03-2008, 10:11 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru


Thank you for doing the Lord's work, and for your story.

I am a Catholic, and disagree with the theology of sola scriptura, but nevertheless it is great that you help those folks materially and spiritually.
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Old 07-03-2008, 10:56 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by Giloeada View Post

Thank you for doing the Lord's work, and for your story.
Thanks for taking the time to read it and comment.

Originally Posted by Giloeada View Post
I am a Catholic, and disagree with the theology of sola scriptura, but nevertheless it is great that you help those folks materially and spiritually.
Hey look, a can of worms! I think we'll just leave that closed.

I did listen to Neal Morse's album on that subject while on the bus ride home. I don't agree 100% with Neal theologically either. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends.
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Old 07-04-2008, 11:46 AM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by Roger -Dot- Lee View Post
[Yo Soy Conquistador]
Hrm. I wonder if getting a sample and posting it might help matters. I have this feeling that it might be either a local staple or maybe a revision on something older.
Anyway, let me know if you can record a snippet of that song. Let's see if we can't find out the origin. I wonder if perhaps some of the Brazilian or Uruguayan contingency around here might be able to help out.
All right, here goes ... my quick and dirty attempt at Conquistador. It fades after the chorus because after that it's just a repeat of what you just heard. Nope, not prog in the slightest. I did the acoustic guitar and "la la" vocals, with some actual (perceived) lyrics when I could remember them. I'm not allowed to upload mp3 files to the forum so this is zipped - unzip and listen. I'd say "enjoy," but I'm afraid with my lack of singing ability that will be difficult.
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Old 07-04-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

I think we have a Fusion Reactor theme song!
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Old 07-04-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

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Old 07-04-2008, 07:16 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by moses View Post
I'm not allowed to upload mp3 files to the forum so this is zipped - unzip and listen. I'd say "enjoy," but I'm afraid with my lack of singing ability that will be difficult.
Perhaps this is why you are not allowed to upload MP3s.
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Old 07-04-2008, 10:38 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by VAXman View Post
Perhaps this is why you are not allowed to upload MP3s.
I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.
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Old 07-05-2008, 11:43 PM
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Re: My Trip To Peru

Originally Posted by moses View Post
All right, here goes ... my quick and dirty attempt at Conquistador. It fades after the chorus because after that it's just a repeat of what you just heard. Nope, not prog in the slightest.
Nothing's perfect...

Originally Posted by moses View Post
I did the acoustic guitar and "la la" vocals, with some actual (perceived) lyrics when I could remember them.
I'd say it's enough with enough lyrics to give someone that knows the song enough hints as to what it is.

Originally Posted by moses View Post
I'd say "enjoy," but I'm afraid with my lack of singing ability that will be difficult.
If it's any consolation, your singing far exceeds mine. I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.
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