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Old 09-27-2007, 09:55 PM
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The Fusion Reactor #160 - Sound Chaser

Songs are naturally made up of a bunch of sounds... and sometimes silence. It occurs to me that there are a bunch of songs about sound, or bands named after sound. This is only scratching the surface, I didn't even get to the onomatopoeia yet. Maybe another time...

Sound Chaser (Detroit 1976) - Yes 11:18
Sound Museum - Coleman, Ornette 6:17
The King's Enchanter - Soniq Theater 12:24
Without A Sound - Simon Apple 3:15
Love Sounds - Abigail's Ghost 6:49
Sonic Garden - Fareri, Francesco 2:33
Spanish Moss - A Sound Portrait a) Spanish Moss b) Savannah the Serene c) Storm d) Flash Flood - Cobham, Billy 16:55
Telling England By The Sound - Masi, Alex 4:33
Schizophrenic Playground - Sonic Pulsar 10:08
Ancient Hieroglyphics - Sonic Music 6:51
The Sound of No-One Listening - Porcupine Tree 8:14
Sounds From Below - Lake Trout 4:16
Let Me Drown - Soundgarden 3:52
The Diamond Sea - Sonic Youth 19:36

I tired to shoot for some more "sonically explorative" songs instead of just your run-of-the-mill prog and fusion. In some cases I found it. Personally, I love the last song, but I'm sure some will absolutely hate it.

Last edited by moses : 09-28-2007 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 09-28-2007, 06:55 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #160 - Sound Chaser

As usual, a fine mix of jazz, prog, metal, and jam.....

Not familiar with the Sonic Youth....sounds like GYBE or discordanant from the description...

Is the Alex Masi a play on the Gensis song?
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Old 09-28-2007, 09:29 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #160 - Sound Chaser

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll View Post
As usual, a fine mix of jazz, prog, metal, and jam.....

Not familiar with the Sonic Youth....sounds like GYBE or discordanant from the description...

Is the Alex Masi a play on the Gensis song?
I'd call that Sonic Youth album, Washing Machine, their high water mark. It's very progressive and experimental to my ears. Not at all like GYBE. The Diamond Sea is a mixture of melodies and discord, serenity and chaos, loud and soft, dark and light, composition and improvisation... all in one song. The work they've done since then is still good, but nothing has hit me like that album.

I don't think the Alex Masi song has got much in common with the Genesis song (I'm assuming you mean Moonlit Knight). It's more of a guitar jam a la Vai or Satriani in a prog vein. With a clever title, of course, probably paying homage to one of his influences.
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Old 09-28-2007, 09:33 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #160 - Sound Chaser

Originally Posted by moses View Post
It's very progressive and experimental to my ears. Not at all like GYBE.
Someone is sure to take those two sentences and take them to mean that I don't feel GYBE is progressive or experimental. That's not what I meant. I meant that while many would not call Sonic Youth progressive, I would, although not in the classic 70's prog sort of way. The next sentence was merely a response to Rick's question of whether or not the sound was like GYBE. It's not. At all.
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