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Old 10-20-2005, 11:15 AM
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The Fusion Reactor

This might make a good sticky thread... hint hint.

The Fusion Reactor is the name of my show. Don't worry, it's not likely to blow up or go into meltdown. I'll try to post things here too, but your main source for information on The Fusion Reactor is at http://fusionreactor.blogspot.com. I put playlists and commentary there on a regular basis.

So... now you're enticed, right? So when can you listen?

The premiere is on Thursday nights at 8:00 PM Eastern on ProgPositivty radio. That's at ProgPositivity.com, or just click here to listen in. That should open up in Winamp or iTunes or whatever your default player is. That's generally a live show and if you're in the ProgPositivity chat room you can interact with me. (The ProgPos website has the link to that.) If I make a mistake, hey - it's live radio and I'm not a professional DJ - what you hear is what you get. This makes it a lot of fun.

Your next opportunity to catch the show is on Friday afternoons at 2:00 PM Eastern, also on ProgPositivity. This can vary in that you might just hear the songs I played without my [amusing and witty] banter between, or you might hear the exact replica of the broadcast from the night before. Or I might have edited it slightly to make the mistakes a little less blatant, if there were any.

Thirdly, on Monday nights at 9:00 PM (also Eastern, you're getting the hang of it), you can catch the show on Aural Moon. I won't give you the URL for that. If you're reading this, chances are you know how to get here. This is probably the replay of Thursday night's show. If I'm there at all, I'll probably late but I'll either be in the black box or the white room or maybe even both. But like I said, I'll probably be late.

Fourthly, I've heard a rumor that there will be a Tuesday replay of the replay. That time, if any, is not set in stone yet.

Fifthly, (and I might interject here that if you missed the first four times you're not really trying) did you notice on the blog that you can stream or download it? Yep. You can also subscribe to the RSS Feed (podcast) via http://podblaze.com or iTunes.

So in these things, you are entirely without excuse.

So what's the benefit of one over another? Well the ProgPositivity broadcasts and the podcast are in mp3PRO format. That means they'll sound a lot better if you have the mp3PRO decoder installed. I know you can get that for Winamp and MusicMatch. Other players might have it installed already... I'm not sure.

Of course, listening on the Moon is awfully cool also because of the fellowship and other companions that you've probably met and come to know and love during your time here. You can also take comfort in the fact that on Aural Moon you're something like 1 of 100-150 listeners (unless my show ends up being extremely painful! ), as opposed to ProgPositivity, where you'll be 1 of... considerably less than 100.

The podcasts/downloads are convenient and all, but that's no fun. I'd use that as a last resort, or if you're just really desperate to hear my show over and over and over.
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Old 10-20-2005, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by moses
This might make a good sticky thread... hint hint.


Fourthly, I've heard a rumor that there will be a Tuesday replay of the replay. That time, if any, is not set in stone yet.
Would that move Gags to Wednesdays?

Also, instead of sticky, why not a forum?
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 10-21-2005, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Yesspaz
Would that move Gags to Wednesdays?
I dunno. I just work here. Except the work part. I just here. And sometimes I sentences without verbs.

Originally Posted by Yesspaz
Also, instead of sticky, why not a forum?
Whatcha talkin' 'bout? Isn't this a forum? I'm afraid you'll have to 'splain what you mean more better. I just meant that if this post was at the top of this forum, it wouldn't keep descending when I post about the next show... which I'm about to do.
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Old 10-21-2005, 02:56 PM
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Yesspaz Yesspaz is offline
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Originally Posted by moses
Whatcha talkin' 'bout? Isn't this a forum?
Ahh, 'tis a forum. Perhaps I should look before I leap...
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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