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Old 10-07-2005, 08:36 PM
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What CD's Are you Playing Right Now? Top 5

To celebrate our new Look Forum ( I love this OLIAS mode), I want to know, What discs are you playing in your own world right now.
The best part of being a moonie is finding the Quality recordings that thrill us Prog listeners. As We get a New disc, rediscover an old favorite, or get an old classic for the first time, I would love to here your opinion. My old Carousel disc player would hold 5 Cd's. Usually 3 were in for a month with rotation in the other slots. So in this vein:
What do you think of the new....Fill in the blank
What can't you stop playing?
What disc has held your interest for awhile?
Which Tracks knock you out?
And of course, What new CD's disappoint, good at first then forgotten later, and finally, what discs are just bad
So enter often! Tell us What you think updated for the years to come each time you get something new!!

Last edited by sharcnorris : 10-07-2005 at 11:13 PM.
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Old 10-07-2005, 08:42 PM
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U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb: loving track 5-City of Blinding Lights
Styx - Greatest Hits: liking the old stuff best, especially Lorelei, and things from Crystal Ball.
Maria Schneider - Allegresse: amazing album all the way around. also Concert in the Garden.
Richard Bona - Mumia: great stuff.

have to think about the other questions...
"two eyes looked to see what I was..."
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Old 10-07-2005, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by sharcnorris
What do you think of the new....Fill in the blank
What can't you stop playing?
What disc has held your interest for awhile?
Which Tracks knock you out?
And of course, What new CD's disappoint, good at first then forgotten later, and finally, what discs are just bad
So enter often! Tell us What you think updated for the years to come
The new Opeth "Ghost Reveries" is stunning. It has a point in most tunes (all but one vocal track, one or two others are instrumental) where they growl, but it's not that prevalent. They finally found the balance. Once I get the new Salem Hill and the Djam Karet I may revise this.

I have a ton of discs like that. My problem recently is that when my show airs I'm usually present. So I hear the songs twice, and they're in my head all week.

I have certain CD's, like XTC's "Oranges & Lemons", Dada's records, "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" that always hold my interest. Good power pop never gets old to me....

Most "prog metal" is ok at first then I lose interest. I like my metal more simple and straightforward.

Michael Sadler's "Clear" is a real dog!
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Old 10-07-2005, 11:51 PM
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Stardate 10-05

Deadwing is very good, the 5.1 version rattles the senses with all out audio assaults from all sides, Not as hooked as I was with In Absentia but I like the Visceral feel it gives

the new JOHN WETTON W/ G. DOWNES Icon.Not arty like Crimso, not as simple as ASIA. Tidy tunes with A powerful voice and primo harmonies, Nice duet ends it with Annie Haslum. Great Choirboy Rock

Isle of Eight by COLIN MASSON,I was turned on to this recording by Mossy and find it enchanting. Mild bass and drums, this is Oldfieldish in tone and hark ens Mikes early day in a bright , New Aggy way about it

I'm still have KINO and GLASS HAMMER in Heavy rotation(Shadowlands & Lex Rex) I haven't opened the new one yet, I like to savior a Disc for a while before I start the next one

Finally I always have a quiet, New Age recording at hand to play while reading or taking NAPS! Atlantis by DAVID ARKINSTONE is a fantastic instrumental journey that has both wonder and peace. I highly recommend this New Recording

Keep Posting when you get New Tunes!!

Last edited by sharcnorris : 10-08-2005 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 10-08-2005, 06:08 AM
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The 5 CD's playing at Radio Mortis at the moment (first week oct 2005) are:
Credo - Rhetoric
Wobbler - Hinterland
Bad Dog U
IZZ - I move
Banco del Mutto Soccorso - Come in un'ultima cena
Beware of the Spanish Inquisition,coming to a town NEAR you
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Old 10-08-2005, 08:13 AM
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Opeth - Damnation (still not bored with it)

Riverside - Out of Myself (amazing debut)

Porcupine Tree - Deadwing (makes my stereo sound great)

Porcupine Tree - Coma Divine (bought it at the concert on Monday, rediscovered The Sky Moves Sideways)

Tool - Lateralus (there is one Tool in my carousel at all times)

Going to get the new Opeth real fast. Downloaded some songs and must get more.

Apparently there is a new Riverside around but I have been unable to find some songs to sample. Anyone know anything about this?

All of the above have stood the test of time and all are highly recommended.
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Old 10-08-2005, 09:23 AM
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Rogor with "I Move"...nice! that's an all time fun one. Zvinki look for the Opeth on the show 10/30 & 10/31.
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Old 10-08-2005, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by sharcnorris
[font="Lucida Sans Unicode"]
What do you think of the new....Fill in the blank
What can't you stop playing?
What disc has held your interest for awhile?
Which Tracks knock you out?
And of course, What new CD's disappoint, good at first then forgotten later, and finally, what discs are just bad
Right now I'm spinning:

King's X - Ogre Tones - show in Birmingham on Oct. 19

U2 - October, The Unforgettable Fire, and All That You Can't Leave Behind. I've been wearing this band out getting ready for show in Atlanta on Nov. 19.

Jars of Clay - "Redemption Songs," and "Who We Are Instead" getting ready for the show in Birmingham on Nov. 20, the next day

The other stuff I'm listening to right now but without concert happenings are:

Sigur Ros - Takk...
Wes Montgomery - Full House: Live at the Tsubo
Lumen - The Man Felt an Iron Hand...
Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 10-08-2005, 04:51 PM
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Anima Mundi : Serpentrion
Canarios: Ciclos
PFM: Life in Japan
Ray Wilson: Life
Tangent: Pyramid and Stars
Little Atlas: Wanderlust
Händel: Messiah
RPWL: World through my eyes
Buena Vista Social Club
The light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncomming train......

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Old 10-08-2005, 06:33 PM
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Tunes from the Gnome Home at the mo:
Jaga Jazzist - "A Livingroom Hush" - Love the jazzy,funky prog combinations.
Hatfield & the North - "Hatwise Choice" - To have another Hatfield album after all these years, especially one so excellent and thoughtfully put together from archive material, is just a joy.
Porcupine Tree - "Deadwing" - The 5.1 surround is excellent, though like sharc I'm not as hooked as with In Absentia. Favorite track is definately "Arriving Somewhere (But not Here)". I think PT's vocal harmonisations are in a class of there own.
Steely Dan - Any album - 'tis a medical necessity in order to see the week through.
Grandaddy - Excerpts from the diary of Tod Zilla - the latest offering from these spaced Californian guys. Great songs - touching and funny.
Also the new singles from Kate Bush and Franz Ferdinand.
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Old 10-09-2005, 09:28 PM
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Marillion - Marbles ( I must listen to this 3 -4 times a week)
IQ - Dark Matter
Pineapple Thief - 12 Stories Down
Riverside - Out of Myself
RPWL - The World Through my Eyes
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Old 10-10-2005, 08:45 PM
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Zvinki, are you going to see Opeth when they arrive in Montreal on the 29th?

Phil (son) drove the six hours down to Tempe yesterday only to find that it was cancelled due to visa hassles. He was gutted.

The rest of the shows seem to be going forward, though.
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Old 10-10-2005, 09:28 PM
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Not yet mossy. I'm trying to convince my son to go. We just bought Ghost Reveries and are trying to absorb it.

I know how big a fan your son is and feel for him. Does this mean that the whole US leg is cancelled?
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Old 10-10-2005, 09:31 PM
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Looks like Mossy said the other shows seem on..they'll be in VA on 11/5. I probably won't go due to lack of interest by others.....

Good word "absorbed"...a great record!
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Old 10-10-2005, 09:37 PM
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well I just looked on the Jaxx (VA) website...it says, Opeth was the fastest sellout in Jazz history! "Death gods return to the nightclub"....lol

Well that settles whether I'm going! I'm not!

It's official...Ghost reveries + 2 other full CD's on my show in three weeks.
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Old 10-11-2005, 08:51 AM
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Thanks Rick

My short-term memory is getting worse. Must eat more blueberries.
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Old 10-11-2005, 10:43 AM
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hi zvinki, it appeared that they didn't get their visas in time for the first three shows. Had to reschedule SF and LA but those shows will go on. Will not reschedule Tempe. Rick, will watch your schedule for the exact date. I do like some elements of their music. Phil will be working, so he won't be able to listen in. Hope you can get yourself to that gig, z. Sorry yours was sold out, rick.

Sorry to highjack your thread, sharc.

Now off for a root canal.
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Old 10-11-2005, 11:28 AM
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Sorry to highjack your thread, sharc.

.[/QUOTE]It's not a highjack if you tell me Whats in your CD player this week!
P.s. I have a PM for you--Thanks for your generious Act of Kindness, I would send to you via Mail but not sure they would deliver to: Mossy
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Old 10-11-2005, 11:48 AM
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These are in my player because I just got them:

Steve Hackett - Guitar Noir
Ajalon - Light at the End of the Tunnel
Rhythm Buddies - Thunderbird Suite
Sonic Youth - SYR 2

This is in my player this week because it's homework:

The Bible - Deuteronomy
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Old 10-11-2005, 12:10 PM
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I' m Hooked!!!!!!!!
Porcupine Tree: Deadwing
Porcupine Tree: In Absentia
Threshold: Submerge
Glass Hammer: Shadowlands
Dream Theater: Octavarium
There are many more I need to get and every time I visit, I add more to the list. This is GREAT!!!
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