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Old 09-15-2008, 06:54 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by progdirjim View Post
Now THAT would be a GREAT thread - what songs should be longer?

(and anyone who say PF "Echoes" will be banned from the station
California Guitar Trio's 12-14 minute version of Echoes at 3RP (also on their most recent I think) was one of the best moments I've ever experienced seeing a show.

Can't agree with progz about Great Nothing. Took me a while to warm up to it, and seeing it live (also at 3RP) finally sealed the deal. It's fine at 26+

I'm sure there a billion examples of Jim's idea. Here's one:

Rush's "Different Strings". Guitar starts going off...three minutes in to the song, fade out....pu**ies.....
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:32 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Long live long tunes!

One point to clarify in my case, I once complained about long requests, not because they were boring or anything like that, but mostly because I was thinking of the people in the west who wake up later than the people in the east. I was putting myself in their shoes, so to speak, and wondering how frustrating it must be for them to want to request something and looking at an already long queue and seeing 3 or 4 possible long tune in there with "Water on the moon" already in progress... :-)

But really, that is my problem, not anyone else's.

ps- Shorter tunes that should be longer: Brand X tried it with their song "April" which is a wonderful 2 min 40 second closer on "Products". They offer us "A longer April" (7:00) on "Is there anything about?" and while it is not too bad, I prefer the original shorter version.
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:13 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by marquer View Post
ps- Shorter tunes that should be longer: Brand X tried it with their song "April" which is a wonderful 2 min 40 second closer on "Products". They offer us "A longer April" (7:00) on "Is there anything about?" and while it is not too bad, I prefer the original shorter version.
Well said! That was a college favorite, I think that's a Giblin song...Ipanaemia is a great opening song on Anything About. I still don't have that on CD.
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:19 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by progdirjim View Post
Now THAT would be a GREAT thread - what songs should be longer?
Sun Ra - Space is the place. Could be double the length and I wouldn't tire of it.

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Old 09-15-2008, 04:07 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by progdirjim View Post
Now THAT would be a GREAT thread - what songs should be longer?
1. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Born on the Bayou
2. Yes - A Venture (fade out right when Steve takes off)
3. Fontanelle - Red Light, Green Light
4. Mountain - Mississippi Queen
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Old 09-15-2008, 04:14 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by marquer View Post
One point to clarify in my case, I once complained about long requests, not because they were boring or anything like that, but mostly because I was thinking of the people in the west who wake up later than the people in the east. I was putting myself in their shoes, so to speak, and wondering how frustrating it must be for them to want to request something and looking at an already long queue and seeing 3 or 4 possible long tune in there with "Water on the moon" already in progress... :-)
I've proffered the idea, many times, of corrolating the time wait with the length. Ex: Less than 10:00 = two hours between RQ. 10:00 to 20:00 = three hours between RQ. OVer 20:00 = four hours between RQ. I think this would "nip in the bud" the problem of one person requesting a lot of long songs in a day. There're are no restrictions on what can be requested, nor how often; just a nice way to keep things more "proportional." My two cents, anyhow!

If only Jim and VAXman would grasp my brilliance! Actually, I know that it would just mean more work for VAX, so I get that it's not vital!
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:19 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

I think maybe almost all of Moonies have complaint of waiting songs they request.
I'm afraid listeners sometimes try hard to receive rapid and repeated changes of sound...

But...but I suggest this changes of sound must be the essence of progrock, as seasons change on the earth.

Thanks for a lot of opinions on the thread. I appreciate.
And could you let me request my favorite over-20-minute songs from now?
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Old 09-19-2008, 02:56 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Thanx Marquer.

I was the one who previously brought up the long request issue for us Westerly types. See the request etiquette thread.

I'd like to point peeplz back at the thread, since it is again an issue (for me) in the past weeks. My requests on Thu/Fri are back to 4-6 hr delays, without any shows to bump the queue.


Originally Posted by marquer View Post

One point to clarify in my case, I once complained about long requests, not because they were boring or anything like that, but mostly because I was thinking of the people in the west who wake up later than the people in the east. I was putting myself in their shoes, so to speak, and wondering how frustrating it must be for them to want to request something and looking at an already long queue and seeing 3 or 4 possible long tune in there with "Water on the moon" already in progress... :-)
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Old 09-19-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

As I've said before (and I checked to make sure I was consistent) the only two effective ways are to have the listeners police themselves (to quote the Beatles ha ha ha hee hee hee ho ho ho) or to limit the number of requests further.

Of course having a show, I should recuse myself from the discussion. Although, I rarely make requests, maybe a few times a year. But 3 rq's a day per person seems enough for me.
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Old 09-19-2008, 10:52 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

I rarely request (I'm in and out of the room, and rarely get to hear the request anyway). Must admit, I have requested long ones, just to "make it worthwhile". I won't do that anymore, given that I just found this thread.
But why not have a little notice on the request page for folks like me who hadn't contemplated how annoying it was to others, and wasn't aware of the etiquette.
It won't help for those who ignore such suggestions, but might help a little.
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Old 09-20-2008, 12:39 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Absolutely, we can have etiquette on requesting.
Thanks for your input, Magoo, Rick and Andrew. I appreciate.
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Old 09-20-2008, 06:54 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by AndrewP View Post
Must admit, I have requested long ones, just to "make it worthwhile". I won't do that anymore, given that I just found this thread.
My feeling is that in no way shape or form should the length of the request ever be limited. Number, sure, but if you want to hear a long tune, why not?
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:15 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

(VAX will dry heave when he reads this.)

Here's an idea. What if each member had a time quota, say 5 hours per month maximum, that they could request. When you hit it, SAM locks out out till the 1st?

Just an idea.
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:52 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

I have an idea. How about a discussion group of 5-10 people that could discuss the requests issue over a small period of time. It would be like a workgroup that would come up with alternatives, that Jim can look over and decide.

I would not want to be part of this, since I do not have any burning desire for change nor any attachment with the staus quo.

But if it's an issue with enough people for change, discuss it and see what comes up.

I'd be happy to help in any way or facilitate the discussion, but I'm not going to offer any more opinion - this is for others who are impacted by the requests to decide.

Last edited by Rick and Roll : 09-20-2008 at 09:55 PM.
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:37 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Just to add to the dry heave quotient, maybe rather than a time quota, but a delay in when you can request again depending on accumulated length of requests over the past, I dunno, week? In fact, you could add that track length to the - what is it? - initial hour waiting time. And subtract a minute for every hour since the request was made, down to a minimum of one hour.
Are we all gagging now? :-)

That way, the odd long track can come in, but will result in that person not being able to request another for a while.

Agree with Rick a bit. Having a restriction on what tracks can be requested makes one wonder why have the tracks in the library in the first place?

Last edited by AndrewP : 09-20-2008 at 10:40 PM.
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:56 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

how about.. if you request a song over 15 minutes long you get your number of total requests for the day cut by 3/4. extreme, yes. or here's an idea. if you don't like long tunes, go to your personal play list, like I do. Life is too short. Geeezzzz. Done with this one. Oh, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone here. We all can get along.
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Old 09-22-2008, 02:49 AM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

I suggest almost all of Moonies love some of over 20 minutes songs.
But the requests have some problems...with etiquette or solution by the members of this thread, they're maybe OK, aren't they?

I'm so glad all of you give me lots of opinions.

Anyway, my favorite 20+ songs I've recorded from here and am enjoying.
Is it OK?
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Old 09-24-2008, 03:19 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by AndrewP View Post
That way, the odd long track can come in, but will result in that person not being able to request another for a while.
Similar to my old idea of having the wait time be related to the song time. Less than 10 minutes = Two hours. 10 to 20 minutes = Three Hours. Longer than 20 = Four hours.
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Old 09-24-2008, 06:21 PM
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Re: Over 20 minutes song

Originally Posted by Yesspaz View Post
Similar to my old idea of having the wait time be related to the song time. Less than 10 minutes = Two hours. 10 to 20 minutes = Three Hours. Longer than 20 = Four hours.
Just goes to show. Great minds...
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