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Old 09-07-2008, 01:54 PM
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Listen to whole disc

Just a thought,would it be possible to do this in off hours as a patron to highlight a new or old favorite entirly.Maybe as a weekly or biweekly AM program.There is so much new music and people could share what has impacted there musical life as it is hard to hear things completely.I wish I could afford as much as I have heard here.This might give incentive to become a paton so Jim could keep adding new music.Our music promotes this as much of this music is almost seamless from beginning to end.
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Last edited by museman : 09-07-2008 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:22 PM
SnardLivesHere SnardLivesHere is offline
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Re: Listen to whole disc

I like the idea of hearing an entire disc. Maybe on otherwise request free Wednesdays. Put your request into Jim or VAX a couple of days ahead of time, and let the powers that be determine what would be played.
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:34 PM
mailotron mailotron is offline
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Smile Re: Listen to whole disc

Originally Posted by museman View Post
Just a thought,would it be possible to do this in off hours as a patron to highlight a new or old favorite entirly.Maybe as a weekly or biweekly AM program.There are is so much new music and people could share what has impacted there musical life as it is hard to hear things completely.I wish I could afford as much as I have heard here.This might give incentive to become a paton so Jim could keep adding new music.Our music promotes this as much of this music is almost seamless from beginning to end.
I share that opinion too , lot of prog LP/Cd are concept , listening them to bits is somewhat frustrating ( Camel's harbour of tears is a good example).
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:41 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

I agree it's a great idea but I'm a bit worried that it might not be possible for legal reasons. I could be totally wrong ( I usually am ) but it's something that is niggling in the back of my head.

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Old 09-07-2008, 02:52 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

No legal reasons not to that I am aware of. Hmmm, I'm thinking...
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:33 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

I was shying away from playing full discs of late because some would get bored - however, there are certain discs I will be fully playing.

Jim would sometimes DJ with the new adds, quite enjoyable. But there's so many adds I think he may lose his job if he continues that pace!

On a serious note...I was to play Magenta's "Metamorphosis" a few months back, and Ken Golden of the Lasers Edge had a request from Rob Reed that the record not be played in its entirety. He was fearful that someone would "steal' it. Of course, one would think a band would love that sort of exposure. But Magenta is a band that is striving for commercial success, and after all they are the artists. No one needs a DJ rocking the boat. Record companies can do that good enough.

So I just said ok, I'll play a 20 minute cut - after all, there's plenty of music on the Moon.

So legally, probably no reason. You probably technically need permission, but 99% of the bands want that exposure (this week is a prime example).

Thanks for the reinforcement about the "whole album concept". Although it's not going to be the main focus of the show, it is good to do for the reasons suggested.

Last edited by Rick and Roll : 09-07-2008 at 03:40 PM.
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Old 09-07-2008, 08:21 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

Originally Posted by progdirjim View Post
No legal reasons not to that I am aware of. Hmmm, I'm thinking...
One reason I was thinking that is the "rule" that you can only request one track per whatever by the same artist otherwise you get the "Artist recently played" message. I assumed that playing all the tracks from one album would contravene this "rule".
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:00 AM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

I am not a Patron...but I like the idea...
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Old 09-08-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

"New Moon" would be, I'm assuming, the most popular show-that-doesn't-exist. I could see a full-album New Moon show on Wednesday's, and if I were currently capable (see other thread), I'd volunteer.

As for simply playing a whole album, I've got no problem with the idea ON NO REQUEST WEDNESDAY.

Idea: What if one Wed. a month was album day, and SAM played randomly through whole albums. All you'd need to do is save each album as a playlist and have SAM randomly pick a playlist, which happened to be an album, be it live, studio, EP, LP, 2LP, 3LP, whatever.

First Wednesday of each month?
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Old 09-08-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

I personally would be afraid of a show from Spaz playing complete albums..Knowing my taste and (asuming) to know 10% of Spaz's taste for myself it would not be really cool..

At the speed that Jim is uploading new albums on the playlist, it is impossible to have them all played on Wednesday randomly..

I personally think that the idea to make Wednesday a request free new album day is great. But Management should decide on which albums will be aired (easy, as a click is enough). I would leave it on Jim (then we can blame him) to choose the albums..that is a lot better than let SAM choose random pick of whatsoever.

Awaiting your comments..
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Old 09-08-2008, 05:27 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

Kick it off with Tubular Bells I, II and III.
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Last edited by progzealot : 09-08-2008 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 09-08-2008, 05:43 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

there ya go 3 hours pure new moon happiness
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Old 09-08-2008, 10:43 PM
SnardLivesHere SnardLivesHere is offline
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Re: Listen to whole disc

I didn't think the original idea was to limit it to NEW music, but I could be wrong (and often am).

More importantly, the idea of hearing an entire album as the artist recorded it / keeping the track list intact is imperative to this idea. I don't support the idea of letting SAM pick tracks from the album in random order, as many albums are meant to be heard in order, and without interruption. Do we need examples?
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:53 AM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

Kick it off with Tubular Bells I, II and III.
I agree Progz!!!
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

Originally Posted by Dark Side View Post
I am not a Patron...but I like the idea...
Not a Patron either, need a faster connection. Still a great idea.
As a "New" convert I think it is a great idea to hear the whole album, one tends to only hear the favourite tracks. Often I find its the not "best tracks" that I like, or I buy a album based on the 1 or 2 tracks that I've liked only to hate the rest.
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Old 09-09-2008, 04:06 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

Originally Posted by lotus View Post
I personally would be afraid of a show from Spaz playing complete albums..Knowing my taste and (asuming) to know 10% of Spaz's taste for myself it would not be really cool..
I didn't say it'd be me picking albums. It'd simply be me punching a few buttons playing the new adds, no matter what they were.

Originally Posted by lotus View Post
At the speed that Jim is uploading new albums on the playlist, it is impossible to have them all played on Wednesday randomly..
I don't think anyone's claiming that there's some inherent reason ALL albums have to play. I don't think anyone wants AM to become an "Album Station." The "radio" feel is too important. You maintain listeners easier song-by-song than album-by-album. For example, if I hated Pink Floyd, I'd sit through "Fearless," but not "Meddle."

Also, my post was two separate ideas, for the record.

Originally Posted by lotus View Post
I personally think that the idea to make Wednesday a request free new album day is great. But Management should decide on which albums will be aired (easy, as a click is enough). I would leave it on Jim (then we can blame him) to choose the albums..that is a lot better than let SAM choose random pick of whatsoever.
No offense to Jim's picking ability, but how is it better than letting SAM pick? It'd still be one person's personal taste. That's the point of having an impartial DJ: it plays EVERYTHING in the library, thus everything gets aired, given enough time.

If we picked by poll or vote, we'd hear "Close to the Edge," "Going for the One," "Tales from Topographic Oceans," "The Yes Album," and "Fragile." Repeat. "Talk," "The Ladder," and "Drama" wouldn't win a poll. With SAM, we'd hear them all in turn, and never a Yes album repeat until they all played.

Again, I like the idea of a R. F. Wednesday album day once a month.

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Old 09-09-2008, 04:07 PM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

Originally Posted by SnardLivesHere View Post
I didn't think the original idea was to limit it to NEW music, but I could be wrong (and often am).
It wasn't Snard; you're correct. I was just bringing up an old idea of a show where the new adds would play in their entirety shortly after having been added. Figured it was a good place to mention it.
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Old 09-12-2008, 07:46 AM
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Re: Listen to whole disc

some good ideas Yesspaz,Will see
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