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Old 09-14-2006, 07:44 PM
progforce progforce is offline
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RoSfest Announces Spock's Beard Sunday Headliner

Hello Auralmoon friends. RoSfest is thrilled to announce Sunday night’s headliner, American prog legends Spock’s Beard. Formed in 1992 in California, the band has released some 8 studio albums, with a ninth on the way, and has also put together several live albums and DVDs, most recently 2005’s “Gluttons For Punishment”. Since releasing several albums that became classics in their own right, Spock’s Beard has become the standard for great progressive rock. With the release of their new album in late autumn of this year, they will surely be adding to the spectacle that is Spock’s Beard. Band members Dave Meros, Alan Morse, Nick D’Virgilio and Ryo Okumoto will be playing tracks off of this upcoming album at RoSfest, as well as all of the favorites! Spock’s Beard has been touring almost constantly since their inception, and have honed a live show that is not to be missed. This was the first band to play for PPRC Music in 2003 after our founding, and we are thrilled to bring them back as our headliner for Sunday night of RoSfest 2007!

Spock's Beard official website
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