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Old 04-12-2006, 12:34 PM
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The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Early again! You're going to think someone replaced me with a different Moses.

Well here's the deal: It's early to give you advance notice. The show that will be broadcast on Aural Moon is not the whole show. It will be missing the parts where I talk. It's an Easter show, that's why. Rather than have people get all up in arms about the verbal content, you'll just have to pick up the story from the music. I'm sure you'll miss hearing my voice, so if you're interested in getting the whole thing, you'll have to tune in to the broadcast on ProgPositivity - that's http://www.progpositivity.com - on Thursday at 8 PM EDT or Friday at 2 PM EDT.

I guess your next best bet would be to follow along on http://fusionreactor.blogspot.com/20...urrection.html

This was my first attempt at telling a story through music - a concept album, if you will. Only here I didn't write any of the songs and they're mostly all from different artists.

Last edited by moses : 04-12-2006 at 12:58 PM.
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Old 04-12-2006, 02:20 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by moses
Early again! You're going to think someone replaced me with a different Moses.

Well here's the deal: It's early to give you advance notice. The show that will be broadcast on Aural Moon is not the whole show. It will be missing the parts where I talk. It's an Easter show, that's why. Rather than have people get all up in arms about the verbal content, you'll just have to pick up the story from the music. I'm sure you'll miss hearing my voice, so if you're interested in getting the whole thing, you'll have to tune in to the broadcast on ProgPositivity - that's http://www.progpositivity.com - on Thursday at 8 PM EDT or Friday at 2 PM EDT.

I guess your next best bet would be to follow along on http://fusionreactor.blogspot.com/20...urrection.html

This was my first attempt at telling a story through music - a concept album, if you will. Only here I didn't write any of the songs and they're mostly all from different artists.
Regardless of anyone's views, this is a neat idea. Now I have to ask my wife what all of this means

You put a lot of work into this,

Aceldama is one of the most powerful songs I've heard, great chorus and guitar to die for...well ok not like THAT.
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:33 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

I just listened to the Visual Cliff (6 bucks, yeah) and you should be hearing it in full on my show in May.
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:43 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Yeah Visual Cliff is pretty unique, but not really "out there" so that people don't get them.
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:50 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by moses
Yeah Visual Cliff is pretty unique, but not really "out there" so that people don't get them.
Well there's no vocals!

I actually would have liked it even more with vocals or the occasional oddball tune. It's very polished and melodic, but with the occasional crunch.

I was asked to suggest a few Progday bands, they came to mind....
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:23 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Well you might want to see if you can pick up Freedom Within then sometimes. It's crunchier and Shane Lankford sings on 3 or 4 songs. It's kind of short though - less than 40 minutes.

Turns out there's a Visual Cliff/Orphan Project side band called Fall of Echoes and they almost have an album done. It's vocals and bass from Orphan Project, and guitar and drums from Visual Cliff. I haven't heard them yet but their site is at http://www.fallofechoes.com
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:28 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by moses
Well you might want to see if you can pick up Freedom Within then sometimes. It's crunchier and Shane Lankford sings on 3 or 4 songs. It's kind of short though - less than 40 minutes.

Turns out there's a Visual Cliff/Orphan Project side band called Fall of Echoes and they almost have an album done. It's vocals and bass from Orphan Project, and guitar and drums from Visual Cliff. I haven't heard them yet but their site is at http://www.fallofechoes.com
I get the Orphan updates, but it's so hard to keep up. I'll note this....

by the way my wife said something about Holy Thursday instead of Good Friday, but I assumed you were going for the Cliff Notes' version....
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:39 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Well I did have to leave some out, I only had two hours to cover three or four days. Hebrew reckoning of days is different from ours - the day ended at sundown. Your wife is probably right though - the Last Supper (not included in my narrative) was certainly on Thursday, and I pick up immediately after that. I'm guessing supper was done before sundown, but I wasn't there so I couldn't say for sure. I stand corrected.
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Old 04-13-2006, 12:08 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Ajalon - Psalm 61
Iona - The Arrest - Gethsemane
Aerial View - Take This Cup
Salem Hill - Aceldama
Pineapple Thief - Wretched Soul
Sterilium - Trial And Error
Rick Altizer - When You Walked Up That Hill
Glass Hammer - Centurion
Vital Information - Jave and a Nail
Rick Wakeman - The Cross
Third Day - Thief
The Awakening - Into Thy Hands
Peter Gabriel - It Is Accomplished
Red Circuit - The Veil
Visual Cliff - Key To Eternity
Ten Point Ten - Eleven
Pat Metheny - The Awakening
Glass Hammer - When We Were Young
Salem Hill - The Last Enemy
Don Francisco - He's Alive
Keith Green - Easter Song (Live)
John Coltrane - Ascent
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 04-13-2006, 12:14 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by moses on his site
Salem Hill - Aceldama
Not many have undertaken the task of writing about the crucifixion from the point of view of Judas. Leave it to Salem Hill.
Another excellent Judas point-of-view song about the Passion is U2's "Until the End of the World."

Originally Posted by moses on his site
Rick Altizer - When You Walked Up That Hill
I'm not sure how high the hill was but it is interesting that it was not within the Jerusalem city walls. This complies with the Old Testament dictate that sacrifices should be outside of the city.
Great song. Rick Altizer happens to be tremendously talented and great friends with another Christian, Adrian Belew. Belew has produced all Altizer's albums. This track is amazing vocally, lyrically, and musically. Rick is playing acoustic guitar down the center, while both Rick and Adrian are playing electric e-bow flourishes and solos at the same time, one in the right channel and one in the left.

Originally Posted by moses on his site
Third Day - Thief
Here's a song written from another unique viewpoint - the forgiven thief (no relation to the Pineapple Thief apparently) who was crucified at the same time as Jesus. Being forgiven may just have made his painful death a bit more bearable.
I swear Mac Powell sounds just like Travis Tritt.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 04-13-2006, 10:26 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

1) Thanks to Yesspaz for sending me some suggestions in song. I didn't use many of them, but thanks anyway.

Rick Altizer happens to be tremendously talented and great friends with another Christian, Adrian Belew.
Rick is also friends with Neal Morse and he has played with him live and on the Testimony album, at the very least. Neal is also slightly talented.
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Old 04-14-2006, 06:15 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

"It is what proselytizing should be, and
it is what proselytizing once was...
Alleluia Moon rocks!"
VAXman -- Watcher of the moon, watcher of all.
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Old 04-14-2006, 10:29 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by VAXman
"It is what proselytizing should be, and
it is what proselytizing once was...
Alleluia Moon rocks!"
Far be it me to defend a religious viewpoint (if you knew me well enough you would know that, trust me)...but no one is prosthewhatever here.

In fact, I think it's a nice thing to not include the spoken word on this show, it shows a willingness to compromise. If you didn't follow the link, it's just another show.

I don't see it as any different than professing your affinity for Guinness and Macs.

And I certainly don't see it as detracting from the musical output. I think I'll put on some Black Sabbath. After all, aren't they supposed to be the antiChrist? I mean that's what someone told me so it MUST be true.

"It is what tired arguments are and what closed-mindedness will be, Aural Moon"!
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Old 04-14-2006, 02:29 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by Rick and Roll
I don't see it as any different than professing your affinity for Guinness and Macs.
...but, that Guinness and Macs are real things.
VAXman -- Watcher of the moon, watcher of all.
----------------Mopper of the moon, mopper of all.
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Old 04-14-2006, 02:34 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by VAXman
...but, that Guinness and Macs are real things.
I knew you were going to say that
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Old 04-14-2006, 10:23 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

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Old 04-15-2006, 06:19 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Originally Posted by moses
{VAX has been replied to privately.}
Happy Easter Moses but I'm curious as to why we need to know about your private reply to VAX. Surely posting that makes it public and defeats the object.
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Old 04-15-2006, 09:14 PM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #91 - Happy Resurrection Day!

Happy Easter to you too Keithie!

You asked a good question. When I posted that I was in a hotel room with the high school youth group I work with. Can I claim temporary insanity? It wouldn't be far from accurate, if not right on the button.

I think it was something to do with "yeah I see the post, no I'm not simply ignoring it. Private clarification is required."

I guess I shouldn't tell you that we're having a very nice private conversation then.

OOOPS! I'm not quite home yet but there's sleep on the horizon!
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