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Old 08-05-2004, 06:39 PM
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Very interesting. We've got a smattering of the enlightened youth, and everyone else seems to be a child of the 60s (or earlier in some cases).

What happened to everything in between? Is prog somehow distasteful for anyone born after, say, 1967 or so? Is it illegal for anyone in their 30s to listen to The Music Of The Gods?

Makes one wonder.

Roger -Dot- Lee or go "hmm..."
Roger -Dot- Lee
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Old 08-05-2004, 09:19 PM
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Originally posted by Yesspaz
Which album? Only LLO is on AM.
Mare Vitalis, which I liked alot before I was subjected to too many repeated listenings. I think I'm probably ready to hear it again though, a very solid album.

Last edited by Bob Lentil : 08-05-2004 at 09:22 PM.
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Old 08-05-2004, 09:25 PM
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and an entry from one of the godesses

i could recall the date of my entry on this planet but it seems to escape me now....but i am in very, very good company with a number of you. you'll know for sure my next bday when i totally trip out.

as stated by the young whippersnapper RickandRoll
I am 40. I think I remember how old the goddesses are..............
i chatted with my 32yr old nephew just last nite and told him i was listening to PK's Run....he typed back "ain't nothin lika little Wall every now and again...you know i'm hip". i was totally shocked...and pleased my "unusual" musical taste had rubbed off on one of my prize jewels. and my son may have a larger musical repetoire then many of his friends also...no hope for the diva...totally popped out...but who knows.

my musical taste have always been broad and seeking...the moon satisfies a taste i've never lost.

a well preserved visitor
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Old 08-05-2004, 09:30 PM
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OH! and Spocks the Great Nothing...

that was probably me

(makes great background music for reading Foundation and Empire!)

it's a Perfectly constructed piece of music!
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Old 08-05-2004, 11:41 PM
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Re: OH! and Spocks the Great Nothing...

Originally posted by podakayne
that was probably me

(makes great background music for reading Foundation and Empire!)

it's a Perfectly constructed piece of music!
Say on. I've said it before, and I'll likely say it again (I tend to repeat myself. Repeatedly.):

The Great Nothing is a WONDERFULLY engineered piece of music. Constructed from the cornerstone to the spire like the greatest of skyscrapers.

It's the Brooklyn Bridge of music. Yeah, there are some that are longer, but will they stand the test of time?

Roger -Dot- Lee, seeking far and wide for metaphores.
Roger -Dot- Lee
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Old 08-06-2004, 12:07 AM
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40 since last Monday and not ready to leave my 20's in the past.

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Old 08-06-2004, 12:42 AM
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Just a bunch of old farts!

Rick, you remember too much.

Now, as for "age"... the back of my hand skin was deemed "un-elastic" today by some rude sod. I told him I simply needed to upgrade the moisturizer. AND I live in the desert after all.

As for proggy stuff...always been a Genesis fan from the beginning. Steve Hackett etc. But I must say, the Moon has brought a whole other world to me. Not to mention all the moonies.... xxx

As for sprog..he's a musician with a sense of the unusual. We share music... I quietly love it. Draw attn. to it and the moment is spoilt.
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Old 08-06-2004, 12:51 AM
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Originally posted by mossy
Just a bunch of old farts!
To thine own self be true. Be it unrepentant geek, or old fart in training. I am what I am and have come to the conclusion that not only am I what I am, but I kinda enjoy being that what I am. Prog rock neophyte building his repertoir of songs that rock my world on a daily basis. This would not be happoening were Avian not in possession of the foresight to see the need for REAL progressive rock, not "All Zappa All The Time" or "More Genesis than you can shake a Chapman Stick at"


As for sprog..he's a musician with a sense of the unusual. We share music... I quietly love it. Draw attn. to it and the moment is spoilt.
That used to drive my mother insane. Whenever I was aware that someone was listening to me practice, then I'd get all self-concious and shy, as if I didn't want them to hear me making mistakes, etc.

Yes, it was childish and immateur. I was 8-12 at the time.

Roger -Dot- Lee, reminiscence 'R' us!

PS: I still think that "The Great Nothing" is the best engineered song ever recorded. And from me, that's a compliment beyond measure.

(and remember what you paid for it. :P )
Roger -Dot- Lee
El Queso Media Grande
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Old 08-06-2004, 02:01 AM
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Originally posted by Roger Lee
I still think that "The Great Nothing" is the best engineered song ever recorded.
When you say "engineered," do you mean the songs structure? or do you mean the actual engineering in the studio, like production quality? If it's structure, I may have to drag "Close to the Edge" into the fray! ! ! !
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 08-06-2004, 02:05 AM
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Originally posted by Bob Lentil
Mare Vitalis, which I liked alot before I was subjected to too many repeated listenings. I think I'm probably ready to hear it again though, a very solid album.
I've played one track from Mare Vitalis on BrainRock. It was "Mare Mortis." Hmm, I think I'll play "Fishing the Sky" pretty soon. That's an amazing song.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 08-06-2004, 02:31 AM
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I feel a bit left out.............

No sprogs of my own to introduce to Prog (well none that I'm aware of. Although there was a long weekend in southend.......) but some of the regulars will remember that my nephew, who is 16, was sitting with me a while back listening to the Moon and watching the chat scroll past. Every now and then I'd here "God! What is THAT all about?" or "Are these people mad?". What could I say?

Tom (my nephew) and mossy's son have both tried to get me to listen to Opeth though and after much umming and Ahhing I relented and bought "Damnation" and was VERY happily surprised. Much more mellow than I thought. They both reckoned it was not really representative of their usual material and so this old fart won't be rushing (no pun intended) to get any more.

My own musical taste is very eclectic. Classical, Jazz, Folk, Rock, Prog anything really except cRAP and Country and Western.
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Old 08-06-2004, 05:51 AM
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I am amproaching one of those milestones, where people expect something out of the ordinary - parties ect. but I don't like being in the center of things and I'm always afraid no one will turn up anyway. Why celebrate one year closer to the grave?

Been a prog since 1971 -enjoy classical prog as well. AM has expanded my progscope immensly and thanks to everyone invovled.
Beware of the Spanish Inquisition,coming to a town NEAR you
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Old 08-06-2004, 09:03 AM
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Re: I feel a bit left out.............

Originally posted by Keith Waye
anything really except cRAP and Country and Western.
and GYBE! and Don Cab!!!

Actually, I'm with KW. I pretty much like anything except RAP and Country. Although, I'll be quick to admit that I do like the occasional diamond in the rough from Country. As for rap, I don't mind the vocal-delivery-style - it's the "music" I can't take.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 08-06-2004, 09:20 AM
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Originally posted by Yesspaz
When you say "engineered," do you mean the songs structure? or do you mean the actual engineering in the studio, like production quality? If it's structure, I may have to drag "Close to the Edge" into the fray! ! ! !
And rightfully so. Close to the Edge (and many other Yes tunes, including many off of Tales) are wonderfully engineered musically.


I'd go best-of-three on this one. I think Spock's Beard has out-done Yes (even Close to the Edge). I'm not a big fan of the rest of their stuff (largely because I haven't gotten around to listening to their other stuff), but this one is the best built I've found.

Yes, even better than Close to the Edge.

Roger -Dot- Lee, who, being a Yes fan for MANY years, thinks that's saying something.
Roger -Dot- Lee
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Old 08-06-2004, 11:26 AM
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my age? ...huh?

Check out my icon to the left...I can't remember how long these bones have been around.
I do remember listening to Greig's "Hall of the Mountain King" before the days of prog.
My 22 year-old nephew is a bass player in a metal band. I occasionally try to introduce him to names like Tony Levin, Trey Gunn, and especially Guy Sangue (Jean-Luc Ponty). So far, he's in lockstep with Myung of Dream Theater--and everyone else is irrelevant.
But I am persistent...
BTW, I'll soon be 49, going on 22.
(I do hope this doesn't start another DT bash/worship thread. I like DT, have seen them in concert, and Myung truly is awesome.)
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Old 08-06-2004, 04:19 PM
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Re: my age? ...huh?

Originally posted by dinosaur
and Myung truly is awesome.
Tru dat. The bridge on Jelly Jam's "Nature's Girl" - wow.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 08-06-2004, 04:48 PM
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well, I'm 42. got started listening to classical and (eek!) easy listening... discovered Starcastle from an ad in Cream or some such mag; went from there to Yes, and then Kansas, and Boston, and Journey were big. heavy into Wakeman, and Anderson. got into Vangelis(Heaven and Hell changed my life... it works wih the Foundation series, too!), and had a friend that played me some crazy stuff, like Magma. boy, talk about an education... learned to like jazz; Pat Metheny, Jean-Luc Ponty, Oregon, etc.
now I listen to most anything, except those two favorites, country and rap... :P really like Dave Matthews, Sting, but nothing makes me feel like those old albums...
now I just wish I had a budget to get all the groups I know I would love. thank goodness for the Moon...
"two eyes looked to see what I was..."
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Old 08-07-2004, 05:50 AM
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HI Im 32. My progroots comes from hearing Dark Side of the Moon when I was 13. And that was after hearing Space trucking from Deep Purple "In Concert" album.
Music Is The Best!
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Old 08-08-2004, 02:41 AM
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"a tree doesn't die from age, a tree dies from
being inflexible"

- zen proverb

i have you all beat, but not so anyone could tell.


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at SongPlanet

available at itunes, toweronline, bestbuyonline,
sony direct, rhapsody, loudeye...
IOMA award winner "best producer"2004

Last edited by kirk : 08-08-2004 at 02:45 AM.
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Old 08-08-2004, 02:52 AM
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Originally posted by kirk
"a tree doesn't die from age, a tree dies from
being inflexible"

- zen proverb

i have you all beat, but not so anyone could tell.

If you have us all beat at the upper end.............great.

If it's the lower end............man you're not aging well

Nice photo kirk. Good to "see" you. Get that in the rogues gallery!!!!
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