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Old 06-19-2001, 12:12 PM
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Lightbulb How old are you?

It's been interesting seeing the posts from some of the old farts (like me) and the younger members. So I'm curious - how old is everyone? I'm a ripe old 39...

(And for you youngsters who think most of your age group doesn't like good music, remember, I lived through DISCO. At least punk, grunge, and even rap has an attitude...) (although you still won't see any of it on AM)
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Old 06-19-2001, 03:17 PM
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30 (although I feel older).

I didn't get into prog until the Golden Age was long over.

I lived through disco, but I was a kid!
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Old 06-19-2001, 05:48 PM
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Smile Age?

I am 20. Most people in my peer group do not know what prog is. Its kinda fun having this esoteric taste in music. Though I think that the pendelum might be swinging back in the proggrish direction because...

1) More popular bands are getting experimentive, prog market is growing
2) Bubble Gum Pop is leaving a sickly taste in many peoples mouth. I think that there will be a backlash.

Here's hoping!

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Old 06-20-2001, 02:33 PM
Lost Dreams Lost Dreams is offline
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How old you ask?

I'm 36 as for a couple weeks ago.

I can't complain either. I've got a great fiancee and our 9 year old son keep us on our toes. He has no appreciation for music yet, but give us time. heh

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Old 06-20-2001, 07:45 PM
ThomasJedenfelt ThomasJedenfelt is offline
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Okay, I'm eh.. 37? Well, at least my body was born in 1963. And my mind would be like -19 3/4. And my soul? +70 I'd say.

So, how old am I? Mathematically, the avarage is 42,25.

Thomas :)

Maybe I should mention that I don't think there's a soul.
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Old 06-20-2001, 09:01 PM
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I'm 22. I was listening to Journey (pre-Raised on Radio), Yes, Pink Floyd, Boston, and Led Zeppeling during the grunge years, basically because that's all the Jackson, MS stations played. No modern rock here, STILL!!! Ug! Man, I wish we had one then and now. A lot of grunge is good, although I own none of it. Alice in Chains is artsy, though. I digress.

I like lots of other stuff besides prog, but it tends to be the artsier of the genres. I call most of my non prog artists prog/alt, or prog/celt, or prog/metal, or prog/emo (Anybody else out there psyched about the new Appleseed Cast albums!)

(anyone else ever heard of Appleseed Cast?)

Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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Old 06-21-2001, 03:06 PM
BigTwin BigTwin is offline
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Too old to say...but you can guess! Spaz, I have a daughter that lives in Birmingham (full-time) and she's 9 years older than you! Also, I did weekends at the first "underground" radio station in Oklahoma City, circa 1968, so I know the older stuff backwards and forwards...if I don't have it, either on cd or lp...it never existed! Hell, start a thread called "Guess BigTwin's Age"...I'll bet I'm the oldest one in the whole group!

Last edited by BigTwin : 06-21-2001 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 06-23-2001, 09:59 PM
X-Ternal X-Ternal is offline
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I'm 21 and have been listening to prog rock all my life, have to thank my dad for that one day )
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Old 07-11-2001, 11:12 AM
Corbulo Corbulo is offline
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42 is the answer.
Now what is the question?

It seems that the avg is around 40, with me and BigTwin swinging the it to the high side.
BT, I was 9 in '68... I'll leave it at that.

(gray hair and all(thank God for Grecian Formula!))
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Old 07-13-2001, 06:32 PM
Genesis74 Genesis74 is offline
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I turn 15 in August.

I guess I'm a mere yearling compared to the majority of prog fans. I got turned on to prog rock by my dad, and have more in common musically with him than with most of my friends.

I do have friends, though, that like some prog stuff. Not too many.
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Old 07-16-2001, 06:42 PM
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They say wisdom comes with age and at 45, I'm thinking I should get wise anytime now...
BigTwin is wise not to give his age. I'm betting on 52.

Last edited by dinosaur : 07-18-2001 at 09:18 AM.
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Old 07-18-2001, 07:42 AM
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He actually posted it in a different Discussion here, I'll not advertise though. But I'm not so sure his calendars are exactly correct. He was an engineer at 15?

Must be nice and quiet though, BT, with the kids gone, mine just turned 6! sigh.
But then that's what my MiniDisc and headphones are for.

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Old 07-18-2001, 08:25 AM
BigTwin BigTwin is offline
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You're getting close

Actually, I was doing a wknd air shift at 17 (see previous post). I backed my way into engineering at 20. I was going to school and doing all sorts of other goofy shit in between.
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Old 07-20-2001, 12:25 PM
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I'm 24 years old.

Started to listen to classic rock (whatever the hell that is) when I was in high school. The only decent radio station in my area (for non-oldies and non-country listeners) was a small station in Neilsville, WI, The Rock WCCN 107.5 FM. A kick-ass station, indeed. I still listen when I go back home. When I would work during the summer, we took breaks at 10 AM, the same time WCCN would have "The Floyd Fix," a listener-requested double-shot of Floyd every weekday! They also played Yes Genesis, ELP, Rush, and other mainstream prog quite frequently, in addition to the usual classic rock fare (Aerosmith, Boston, Hendrix, Beatles, etc.). So I was just getting into it and bought most of Pink Floyd's discography (I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for buying The Final Cut), I owned all of Rush's albums, had some ELP and some PG-era Genesis, that sort of thing. Then I saw a boxed set in a record store called Supernatural Fairy Tales. This set is a must-have for progressive music newcomers! From this, I discovered Yes, Gentle Giant, Roxy Music, Traffic, The Nice, Van Der Graff Generator, Magma, and a host of other progressive bands from the late 60's to mid 70's. Over the next few years, I devoted myself to collecting more Genesis and Yes.

Recently I met a guy at work who had similar tastes in music and he introduced me to Spock's Beard, Dream Theater, Transatlantic and other prog metal and new prog.

Now I listen to AM regularly and am discovering new (to me) bands like Porcupine Tree, Gryphon, Ozric Tentacles and Citizen Cain. I absolutely love the station! Keep it up.

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Old 07-21-2001, 08:03 PM
DKspring98 DKspring98 is offline
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Lets just say while in college when everyone I new was listening to Dr Dre, Eminem, Mad Lion and all the other Hip Hop and Rap music, I was the only one blasting Genesis, Brand X, King Crimson, Mahavishnu Orchestra and Yes from my room...needless to say I stuck out like a sore thumb!
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Old 07-23-2001, 04:17 PM
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Hehe, DK, that reminds me of this time in college, not long after I had bought "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway." I was cranking disc 2 after a rough day at school (the album's good for any mood though), and my friend showed up while "it" was cranked as loud as I dared. He bursts through the door and says to me, both thumbs pointing to the carpet, "Two thumbs down in your choice of cranking music!" "Whatever," I replied (he only likes death metal anyway). Genesis is meant to be played loud, so you catch every single note and nuance of the music.

Just sharing,
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Old 07-23-2001, 06:47 PM
albergo albergo is offline
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I'm 45. When I was in 10th grade, I heard Your Move on the radio, never having heard of Yes or anything by them. I've been soaking myself in this music ever since. A couple of years later, in college, I saw the Topographic tour in December 73, and Relayer in late 74. The Topographic show was very soon after the album came out, and it was the first time I'd heard that music. I was 10th row center. Smoke, lights, wierd shapes all around the stage, really loud, Topographic just blasting out of nowhere into my ears. Imagine that!! At that concert they played all of Close to the Edge, and all of Topographic.

So, from that you might understand why I really think this station rocks, that's all I can say. There is so much music here that I've listened to over the years and now am rediscovering all over again. Thanks.
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Old 07-25-2001, 06:04 PM
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44. It all started for me with Starship Trooper on TYA so many, many years ago. I saw Yes perform the entire TFTO in 1973 in New Haven CT...then saw them perform Ritual last summer here in Boston...lotta water under the bridge...anyway what a great station ... great to hear the new mixed with the old.
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Old 07-26-2001, 08:45 AM
BigTwin BigTwin is offline
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I'm Winning...So Far!

Apparently, I'm still the oldest at 49....so do I also get the title "Music Consultant Emeritus"?
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Old 08-25-2001, 08:03 AM
JerseyMagician JerseyMagician is offline
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I have my brother to blame for forcing me to listen to prog music in the late 60`s. Being 10 years old at the time, my musical tastes were shaped a little different then other 10 year old`s. Which reminds me........I have to thank my brother.
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