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Old 10-20-2010, 03:43 AM
Moonoffruits96's Avatar
Moonoffruits96 Moonoffruits96 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Bundaberg
Posts: 223
Talking Update

Hi all
Some of you know that I have had cancer this year and and others not.
Some you are saddened by the fact I have cancer and what I have been through. Please don't be sad. There is a wonderful kids story called The Hare And The Tortise. The moral of that story was slow and steady wins the race. Well I am winning the cancer race like the kids story slowly and steadily. I am proud to say that my cancer is stable and shrinking all the time.
I am getting once weekly treatments, am off chemo and enjoying life.
I hope to be home for a few months in possibly starting in December.
Meanwhile, the treatments continue. While they are painful it is worth all I have been through. My energy levels at the moment are not great at the moment as you can appreciate however like the kids story my energy is slowly and steadily coming back.
If you ever feel sad or lonely come to the forums here and read this thread. I know you'll be back on your feet in no time at all. Or you could re read the above mentioned kids story.
Prehaps also think of all your friends and family whom have had cancer or died from it and just think of how lucky you are not to have cancer.
Peace and God Bless all of you wonderful people.
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