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Old 10-02-2008, 09:59 PM
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The Fusion Reactor #211 - Promises, Promises

The deal this week is that I have been so busy with work and other stuff that I've only been home to sleep. And sometimes not even that. So I was at work last night trying to figure out when I was going to have time to put on the show that was about to go on in less that 24 hours, with a bunch more work and other stuff between then and airtime.

I mentioned to one of the kids at work and they suggested that I do a show on promises. That's an interesting topic, so I went with it and came up with a bunch of songs to play for you. The odd thing is that there is absolutely *no* fusion this week. However, there's a lot of prog and we're leaning a bit towards the heavy side, so you're getting a different side of my musical tastes this week... enjoy!

The Promise of Truth - Mosher, Scott 6:40
Gnihton'S Promise - High Wheel 3:54
The Promised Land - Ajalon 6:49
Promise - Dream Aria 5:34
Lost in a Promise - as U R 5:35
The Seven Sacred Promises - Pagan's Mind 6:29
Love Promise - Lynne, Bjorn 4:33
Promise - Emerald Vein 4:32
Promised Land - Queensr˙che 7:58
The Promise of Shadows - Gabriel, Peter 2:13
I Promise You - Amaran's Plight 2:57
The Promise - Morse, Neal 2:52
Promised Land - Mad At The World 5:26
A Promise of Love - Ten Point Ten 4:51
A Promise Kept - Keaggy, Phil 4:43
Promise - Revelation Project 2:18
The Promise - Saviour Machine 10:35

Oh yeah and you get to hear me sing a little bit... sorry!
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