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Old 11-20-2006, 10:56 PM
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Re: the GENESIS story...

Some interesting points and a lot to discuss as I love

Rick and Roll wrote:
Rarely are bands as prolific or good as when they start out. There's usually not a clear demarcation as to when bands decline, but it's inevitable.

I suggest that you may find that Genesis may have travelled the same road with Hackett on board.
Honestly I don't agree, they could have turned simpler, this was almost impossible to avoid in the late 70's but the reason why Hackett was harrassed and his contributions to Genesis systematically rejected is because he refused to take the easy way.

The relation Hackett - Banks was damaged since the release of Voyage of the Acolyte, Banks was the only Genesis member not involved in this album, so he placed pressure in the members to avoid solo careers (Hackett was the only one with a solid solo career at that point) but when Steve tried to add adventurous compositions to Genesis they were rejected because they wanted to do something simpler.

They had to change with or without Hackett is a fact but I'm sure Steve would have never participated in any post Duke album (Even when I don't like ATTW3 or DUKE, both have a couple good moments), that's for sure.

Rick & Roll wrote:
"Your Own Special Way" is a beautiful tune. But it's certainly pop.
The problem is not the POP "per se" there's good and booring POP, IMHO Genesis POP is of the second class.

Remember that Your Own Special Way is a pure Rutherford song added only because they didn't had enough material and Banks refused to add more Hackett stuff.

It's also important to notice that More Fool Me is in Selling England by the Pound and For Absent Friends in Nursery Cryme, there was some room for POP, but not to turn the band into a parody with 100% boring Adult Contemporary Pop.

If I want POP I buy a Fleetwood Mac or Cranverries album, I know what I'm paying for but I won0't buy a Genesis, Yes, King Crimson or VDGG album to listen POP

Rick and Roll wrote:
I'm not suggesting to see Genesis now. Personally iIwould not (arena setting, spoiled on good venues, price, etc). But I like some of the post-Duke material. If you don't like "Fading Lights" from "We Can't Dance", you have really just haven't given it a chance. It stands up to most of their great early material.
Honestly I hate everything they did after W&W including the insane mutilation of most Hackett parts in Seconds Out and that horrible Supper's Ready charicature by Collins.

Rick and Roll wrote:
And why does Gabriel get a free pass for "Sledgehammer"? Again personally I like the song. but it was as popular, overplayed, and trite as most of later Genesis.
Again, it's not one of Gabriel best moments but it's 1'000,000 times better than aberrations as Who Dunitt? or Illegal Alien.

And nobody says Gabriel alone made too much Prog, but all his projects are far more adventurous than anything Genesis did after Steve left.

Rick and Roll wrote:
Remember, I'm someone whose favorite Genesis record is Selling England, song is Musical Box, etc. i have no special interest in or affinity for post-Hackett Genesis. But take each record on its own merits.
I can't find a single merit in post Hackett Genesis, I could only wish they would have retired or at least had the decency to change the band name.

Rick and Roll wrote:
Yes can put out some less than stellar material. they don't seem to get the same treatment.
Well, 90125 and Big Generator are pretty horrendous also.

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