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Old 11-02-2018, 02:34 PM
glassonyonpr glassonyonpr is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 262
The First Themed Compilation of the EXCALIBUR Series

London - The Ladies of the Lake is the first themed compilation of the gold and platinum selling EXCALIBUR series of Celtic Rock albums.

The creator of Excalibur, Alan Simon, said of the compilation: “Since for creation of the first Excalibur album, it's been a privilege to work with so many strong ladies characters. I speak not just of Guinevere and Morgane, but also of the talented singers who have brought some of the roles to life.”

The compilation follows the re-release of the Excalibur Trilogy, and the recently released fourth album, Excalibur IV: The Dark Age of the Dragon.

Alan Simon continued: “The rock genre is often dominated by so many male musicians, but it shouldn't be forgotten how much Moya, Jacqui, Maddy, Karan, Kohann, Nikki, Sonja, Siobhan and Maite have given of their unique musical talents. This compilation is a tribute to them. they are the Ladies of the Lake. the Ladies of Excalibur. Please enjoy

The compilation features the guests:
Moya Brennan
Maddy Prior
Karan Casey
Siobhan Owen
Jacqui McShee
Nikki Matheson
Sonja Kristina
Maite Itoiz

1) The Origins feat MOYA BRENNAN
2) Secret Garden feat MADDY PRIOR
3) The Girl & the Demon feat KARAN CASEY
4) Skye feat KOHANN
5) Calling For You feat MOYA BRENNAN
6) The Last Lament of a Fairy feat SIOBHAN OWEN
7) There is Someone feat SIOBHAN OWEN
8) Silver Moon feat MOYA BRENNAN
9) Yseult feat SIOBHAN OWEN
10) Sacrifice feat JACQUI MCSHEE
11) A Prayer For My Lover feat SIOBHAN OWEN
12) Morning Song feat NIKKI MATHESON
13) The Passion feat SONJA KRISTINA
14) Dreaming Again feat SIOBHAN OWEN
15) Dun Angus feat MAITE ITOIZ

To purchase:
Amazon CD: http://geni.us/ExcalA
iTunes: http://geni.us/ExcalAdig

Press inquiries: Glass Onyon PR, PH: 828-350-8158 (USA), [email protected]
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