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Old 05-01-2009, 06:54 AM
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Songs Joined Together?


While listening to Keith Emerson Band (with Marc Bonilla) - I realized that the CD maybe would have been better ripped had the first 15 tracks been made into one long song. On the cd - they are offset a bit to sorta indicate that they are a "unit".

Have you found other CD's on Aural Moon that should have had songs joined together during the rip?

Do you have recommendations, that we could make to ProgDirJim about the possibility of reripping the cd's or using a program to join the songs together?

The next question of discussion - should the individual (short) songs be left in the library for requesting, as well as the "joined" long song?

Please contribute your comments and thoughts.

Regards from Texas,
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Old 05-01-2009, 07:06 AM
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Re: Songs Joined Together?

Great comments and questions Ted.

I would think that if the songs are joined, the shorter individual pieces should not be kept as "requestable". Most of the time, they sound "incomplete" like that 36 seconds Keith Emerson piece you mention. Abrupt ending! You just know the piece was supposed to continue.

On another note, but in the same vein, I wonder if it is possible to remove certain tracks? SAM picked a short YES track the other day which was from a live concert. About 2 minutes of clapping and band members being introduced. Who would want to hear that, seriously? If not removed, maybe such tracks could be joined to the one preceding it?

Not that it is my intention to add to the already full load of work of our gracious hosts and admins...

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Old 05-01-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: Songs Joined Together?

Well I would say the Yes example marquer gave is clearly a case for a join, but combining 15 tracks is a tougher call. I don't have the Emerson record so I can't judge really, but since we have reqs available on the Moon it's not unusual that some epics get split up. If there's some way to group some of the 15 tracks into logical units that would prolly be good. Of course if it's really one logical unit split up by the CD manufacturer then it makes sense to put it all together, but whole sides should be requested sparsely, not everybody likes KE (although I do). And I agree if joining is done, get rid of the individuals, it wastes disk space and just ticks off the folks that thought joining the tracks up was a good idea and likely the requester won't mind getting more for his request chit.
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Old 05-02-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: Songs Joined Together?

I have sent in some joined tracks, like the suites on Chicago I & II. It can be done, it just takes time and an approval to do so.

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Old 05-03-2009, 04:05 AM
ErikM ErikM is offline
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Re: Songs Joined Together?

I spoke with Jim already about songs that should join together.
A few days ago I asked why the NEKTAR album "Recycled" isn't two long songs like on the original vinyl record.
Jim had a perfect reason for it. My English is too bad to explain that....but maybe it's a good idea to make a wishlist for "joined together songs".
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