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Old 10-15-2019, 12:09 PM
glassonyonpr glassonyonpr is offline
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Posts: 262
Rodney Matthews and Jeff Scheetz with Oliver Wakeman To Release “Trinity”

Rodney Matthews and Jeff Scheetz with Oliver Wakeman To Release “Trinity” Feat. Rick Wakeman

Gonzo Multimedia is releasing the highly anticipated debut studio album from Rodney Matthews and Jeff Scheetz with Oliver Wakeman titled “Trinity” and is now available for pre-order.

World renowned British fantasy artist and drummer Rodney Matthews and American rock guitarist and Director of Education at TrueFire Jeff Scheetz, along with British award-winning composer and former Yes keyboardist Oliver Wakeman are to release a prog rock album inspired by Matthews’ fantastical images.

Having illustrated over 140 rock album covers Matthews knew who to call upon to play across the ten eclectic tracks composed and arranged by himself, Scheetz, Wakeman and TV/film composer and multi-instrumentalist Pete Coleman. The stellar line-up also includes none other than legendary Yes keyboardist Rick Wakeman on the title track, three bass players – Asia FJP’s John Payne, Magnum’s Tony Clarkin and in-demand jazz/blues/rock session player Steve Amadeo – and world class saxophonist Charles McNeal, plus vocals by Sarah Prothero and narration by Mark A. Williams.

The distinctive styles and diversity of contributions from these musicians lends perfectly to the largely instrumental album, encapsulating in music, images both familiar and new, from the thunderous ‘Heavy Metal Hero’ and dramatic ‘Night on the Bare Mountain’ to the majestic ‘Mirador’ and ethereal ‘Trinity’ (and everything in-between).

The album will be available on CD and double Vinyl with bonus tracks. Also, for collectors, both will be included in a lavish limited-edition boxed set, accompanied by Matthews’ illustrated guide to the artwork, two giclée prints and a set of eleven postcards.

Of the album, many years in the making, Matthews says: “I’ve waited all my life to record an album, to do so with this group of high calibre musicians was beyond my wildest dreams - and trust me, being a fantasy artist, I can dream pretty wild!”

Rodney Matthews and Jeff Scheetz 2 med res.jpg

To pre-order:

For more information:
Web: www.rodneymatthewsstudios.com
Facebook: @RodneyMatthewsStudios
Twitter: @RodneyMStudios
Instagram: @rodneymstudios

Press Inquiries:
Glass Onyon PR
PH: 1-828-350-8158 (US)
[email protected]
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