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Old 04-15-2008, 04:36 PM
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Dave O'Prog Show

Well, gentlemen and ladies, I am just sitting here in a hotel in Germany, drinking a beer and thinking of past times..Untill end of January me an some other Moonies were regular guests of the Dave O'Prog Show on PhoenixFM (www.phoenixfm.com), which was online once a week for 2 hours.

The setup of the show was the following: Live on Internet and on FM in southern Uk, having a live cam and live chat (via stickam), playing great, mostly new prog.

Dave had some guests sometimes (or live in the studio or via telephone/telephone conference) like Guy Manning or Andy Tillison etc. Mainly he played new stuff and got all of us excited about e.g. Mermaid Kiss, Jacko (now playing with Andy in The Tangent) etc. That show was the culprit that I bought more CD's in a year than ever before..The show made me "hot" to get the new stuff.

Dave used us, the listeners, to feed him with new things, and we were glad to provide him with new information. During his live show he mentioned us individually thanking us for our effort, comming back on things mentioned in chat etc.., and we (childish as er all are) were happy..

Well, reason I am writing all this down is that a live show with similar details (new music, live reaction on shout etc) would be a new, and maybe "the" highlight of the Moon. Due to the most different (and maybe valid) reasons unfortunately AM will never consider such kind of a live show. Therefore please take this as a comment remembering Dave's show...

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Old 04-16-2008, 10:38 AM
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Re: Dave O'Prog Show

That was a cool looking hotel, Lotus. I know you were lamenting the fact no one was there, but I hope you had a good time anyway.

I think it's more logistics and not desire about live radio. I'd love to do it but I have zero time. Plus it not feasible for the admins (ie vax and jim) to pull it off.

We do this for the love of it. If we were getting paid, maybe we'd consider it. So as you said, I'll tip my hat to Dave. After all I have a boy named Dave...
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Old 04-16-2008, 11:12 AM
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Re: Dave O'Prog Show

Wouldn't the Gagliarchives count as such a show. You can chat and call into that show directly thru that radio station. It's not as much thru AM, but it is darn close.

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Old 04-16-2008, 11:45 AM
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Re: Dave O'Prog Show

Originally Posted by OverHillandDale View Post
Wouldn't the Gagliarchives count as such a show. You can chat and call into that show directly thru that radio station. It's not as much thru AM, but it is darn close.
Yes it is on the Sat Pm airing. Good point.
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