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Old 02-16-2007, 09:02 AM
Lambsie Lambsie is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 17
Talking Summers End Festival - First 3 bands announced

The Summers End Festival is pleased to announce the first three bands to be confirmed for this year’s event, to be held at The Robin, Bilston on September 15th and 16th.

We are thrilled to welcome a resurgent SOLSTICE to the Robin stage. The band brought a very different character to the UK Progressive revival in the early 80s, combining progressive rock with strong traditional folk elements. They quickly built a reputation as a dynamic live act, and produced the classic “Silent Dance” album in 1984. A revival in the mid 90s saw two further albums “New Life” and “Circles”, and now they are back once more to bring us their unique brand of prog.


Our first confirmed overseas artists are ABARAX, from Germany. The band’s music is symphonic progressive rock with its feet in Pink Floyd territory, typified by the fabulous, fluid guitar of Dennis Grasekamp. Their album, the concept piece “The Crying of the Whales” is highly recommended for lovers of dynamic, emotional prog.


We are also very happy to welcome new British group TINYFISH to the festival. The band have just released their eponymous debut album on their own label, Lazygun records, which uses spoken word passages, samples and guitar synths (rather than traditional keyboards) to create a fresh, contemporary, melodic brand of prog that is already gaining them many admirers.


Further details including a pre-show event, ticket sales and the festival schedule will be announced in the next few weeks.

Visit us online at http://www.summersend.co.uk


Join the yahoo group forum at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/summersendfestival
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Old 02-17-2007, 04:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Re: Summers End Festival - First 3 bands announced

I'll be there Lambsie. As said somewhere else, if it's only half as good as last year it will still be fantastic.

It's great that Solstice are playing again. Saw them when the "New Wave of British Prog" got going in the 80s. Bands like Haze, IQ, Solstice, Tim Burness, Pendragon and others played in pubs and clubs like the WONDERFUL Marquee in Wardour Street, W1. They also played at the Tull convention in Gravesend in 1996. Andy Glass was Tull's sound engineer at the time and the band at that time featured Clive Bunker on drums.

Can't wait to see who else is on and to get those tix in my grubby little mit.
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