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Old 12-17-2024, 09:48 AM
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Re: 2024 Work in Progress..ive

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Solaris biography
Founded in Budapest, Hungary in 1980 - Some hiatuses along the years - Still active as of 2019

The Hungarian formation SOLARIS was originally founded by some school friends in 1980. The band's name was derived from the title of book by SF writer Stanislaw Lem. After they made impression on a talent contest at The Budai Park for a massive crowd (mainly youth) the band was offered an opportunity to make a record. In '80 SOLARIS released their first single entitled "Rock Hullam" (actually this was a split single, SOLARIS got the B-side). The line-up in the early Eighties was Ferenc Raus (drums), Gábor Kisszabó (bass), Csaba Bogdán (guitars) and the remaining schoolfriends István Cziglán (guitars), Attila KOLLÁR (flute) and Róbert ERDÉSZ (keyboards). They released the second single "Eden/Counterpoint" in '81.

In '84 SOLARIS released their first album "The Martian Chronicles", it sold almost 40.000 copies. In those days progrock was popular in Hungary: OMEGA had crowds of 100.000 spectators!
The classical SOLARIS line-up' between '83 and '85 was Attila Kollár, Istvan Cziglan, Róbert Erdész and newcomers László Gömör (drums) and Tamás Pócs (bass). In '90 the controlled Hungarian record company was finally willing to release early SOLARIS recordings entitled 1990 (a 2-LP). Then the members of SOLARIS went their own way and joined or founded new bands.

In 1995 SOLARIS was invited as the headliner of the Progfest Festival in Los Angeles by Greg Walker, mastermind behind the USA progrock label-mailorder service Syn-Phonic. He succeeded in persuading the band for a reunion concert (recorded on a 2-CD and partly on a video with other progrock bands ARS NOVA and WHITE WILLOW). The band got a standing ovation by a bunch of real "symphomaniacs"! A year later SOLARIS performed on the Rio Art Rock Festival, organized by the Brasilian "proghead" Leonardo Nahoum.

On December 27th 1998 guitarplayer Cziglán died of an incurable illness but he can be heard on the surprising new SOLARIS CD entitled "Nostradamus" ('99), perhaps we will hear more from this marvellous progrock band. The Hungarian label Periferic Records released in 2000 "Back to the Roots - Solaris Archive 1" (a great introduction to the band's history but with a bootleg sound) and the solo-albums "Musical Witchcraft" by Kollar Attila (1998) and "Seven Gates of Alhambra" by the late Istvan Cziglán (1999).

On "The Martian Chronicles" SOLARIS creates a very dynamic and compelling progressive mix of classical and rock music. It's build upon sensational interplay between fiery electric guitar, tasteful keyboards and a powerful flute with lots of changing climates, surprising breaks and bombastic outbursts. Although SOLARIS sound rather unique, elements of JETHRO TULL (flute), MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND (Minimoog solos with pitchbend) and Jean Michel JARRE (electronic intro in the first part of the titletrack) can be traced. The 2-LP 1990 contains typical SOLARIS songs: dynamic and propulsive with spectacular synth runs, fiery electric gutiar and beautiful flute-play. Remarkable is the spacy keyboard sound in some songs and the obvious classical influences. The tracks from the mid-period (1986) sound rather accessible: a catchy and often funny combination of classic, pop and rock. But the most impressive composition is their magnus opus "Los Angeles 2026" (almost 24 minutes long): lots of changing climates, bombastic synthesizers, exciting interplay, compelling crescendos and halfway a long and alternating pianosolo. The songs on the live 2-CD "Live in Los Angeles" sound even more powerful and exciting than on the studio-LP's and the bonus material is great: Bonus Game (14 minutes) includes lots of solos on guitar, drums and bass and "Beyond" (12 minutes) is a typical exciting SOLARIS track.

"Nostradamus - Book of Prophecies" is a captivating album in the vein of SOLARIS but with fresh ideas and a modern sound. The titletrack contains outstanding sonic paintings: a howling electric guitar, fat Moog Prodigy runs ("Mark Kelly meets MANFRED MANN"), native North-American indian chants and the Aboriginal didgeridoo. The other songs includes elaborate and dynamic compositions with many changing climates, spectacular breaks, splendid solos and sensational interplay. A "killer-comeback" by SOLARIS!

Erik Neuteboom

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Hi friends

2024 Work in Progress..ive

These are my best tracks of 2024

Track Title-Group or Artist-Album

Stranger Skies-ELLESMERE-Stranger Skies

Quasar-SONIQ THEATER-Solar Winds

The End-HUGO TORO-The Journey

Searching For Mr. Kite (Expanded Version)-KARFAGEN-Messages From Afar: Second Nature




Half Remembered-HEAD SPIN-Refractor

Beneath the Masts-BIG BIG TRAIN-The Likes Of Us


Hellishade of Heavenue-LEVIATHAN-Heartquake_Redux

Ignition-MONKEY3- Welcome To The Machine

The North Sky-THE TANGENT-To Follow Polaris

into_the_wastelands-THE DAME- II

stay_under_cover-GLASS ISLAND- Lost Media

Echoes Of Avalon-COLIN MASSON- Echoes Of Avalon

Encounter with the Elven Princen-CEN-projekt-THE STORY OF ENJA

Tear it Down-AIRBAG-The Century of the Self

Voyager-BAROCK PROJECT-Time Voyager

Black Science (Part 1-6)-INFRINGEMENT-Black Science and White Lies



True Messenger-Jon Anderson & The Band Geeks-True

Presence-RENDEZVOUS POINT-Dream Chaser

Bees Bees Bees-PLANISPHERE-Mindstory

Life in the Wires, Pt. 2-FROST*-Life In The Wires

The Psychology Of Persuasion-NICOLA LORI-Urban Vision

The Age Of Magrathea-BENJAMIN CROFT-we are here to help

Blue Shift-FRANCIS GREGOIRE-Prologue

Subliminal Messages-FOUETTE- Subliminal Messages

Transmission Error-CIRCULINE-C.O.R.E.

Put It Right-THE PINEAPPLE THIEF-It Leads To This


Baptism of Fire _ Gordian Knots-THE JOHN IRVINE BAND-The starships are gathering

Born Afraid-ISILDURS BANE & JINIAN WILDE-The Pearl of Ever Changing Shell

Into the Lair-JORDAN RUDESS-Permission to Fly

No Hill for a Climber -NEAL MORSE-No Hill For A Climber

the_bridge-A SECRET RIVER-Mirror Universe

Song For The Unloved-CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX-The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature

Fata Morgana-PROPORTIONS-The Powers of Ten

Journeys-STEAM THEORY-Chrysalis

The Edge Of My Mind-ALEX CARPANI-The Good Man

Suite: ZOO GALACTICA-SOLARIS- Marsbéli krónikák III

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Flirting With Darkness _ SOLARIS-


Last edited by nicola : 12-18-2024 at 03:44 AM.
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