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Old 01-23-2023, 02:20 PM
Mike413 Mike413 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 446
Re: RIP Rick Dashiell

I posted a top ten but I didn't know there was a bigger list. However, I noticed that between 220 and 230 there are a bunch of repeats (LZ, Misplaced Childhood, Tommy Bolin, UK, etc.). Also, 231 to 240 is missing. Maybe there's another list. Also, I noticed no VDGG on the list (something many Moonies on here would be happy about) and no Italian prog - but it's his list so I won't dispute it.
When you list all the qualities that you despise and you realize you're describing yourself.

Last edited by Mike413 : 01-23-2023 at 02:46 PM.
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