So very saddened by the passing of my friend Rich Dashiell. he was an encyclopedia of progressive & rock music and many other things. You could truly speak with him on practically any subject and he was there, listening, commenting and yeah telling really corny jokes.
It was Rick and Keithie, who made the discovery that that "dude" Keithie kept thanking was a girl(i solved some small problem he was having). i loved Rick's shows and have bootlegged a few from those early days. Vax i am sure there was no animosity held by Rick, none that i could tell. Rick introduced me to many of my favorite groups. his ears were golden. i have no idea how he managed to listen and get his shows together and do all the activities he was involved in. Always busy right up to the end. i appreciated his extending the friendship of his family to my daughter when she briefly attended Morgan State. it was a great joy to meet at least one moonbeam finally. i found both Rick and Trudy to be friendly, open, funny, knowledgeable and just plain genuine. I admire Rick for sharing his battle and being so damn optimistic. i will miss him greatly.
to my fav redheaded dj

💔 🎶♥️