thought i posted this on this thread...well i repeat myself when i'm in distress
10—86 Burke, Dec — Book Of Secrets
9—568 Verbal Delirium — The Imprisoned Words of Fear
8—77 David Bowie — Blackstar
7—496 Snarky Puppy— Culcha Vulcha
6—468/469 Sanguine Hum — Where We Begin, Songs for Days
5—11 Airbag — Disconnected
4—375 Naima — Bye
3—233 Haken — Affinity
2—504 Esperanza Spalding — Emily's D+evolution
1—497 Snarky Puppy — Family Dinner Volume Two (Deluxe Edition)
honorable mentions are:
1. 201 Frost*— Falling Satellites (because it's FROST*!)
2. 589 Steve Wilson — 4 1/2 (you know how i love mr. wilson)
3. 564 Van Der Graaf Generator — Do Not Disturb
4. 298 Dave Kerzner — New World Live
they all tied but i had to choose something