Thread: June Poll!
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Old 05-18-2016, 08:24 PM
Mike413 Mike413 is offline
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Re: June Poll!

I own kind of blue but actually have not listened to it yet.

Ok computer is in my opinion rather over rated. There are a few great tracks but several that don't do much for me. It would have made a great ep.

I'm not familiar with that S&G album so that would be cool to hear.

I have a soft spot for that U2 album. I was a big prog fan by the time it was released(really into Yes and Genesis and KC at the time)but I still liked some mainstream music and wanted to hear something a bit different. That album scratched that itch for me back in 1988 and it actually does have a little bit of a proggish element at times(especially on side two). The whole album has a mood that perfectly fits a rainy or overcast day. It's brooding and very powerful at times. Probably my favorite U2 album. Needless to say this is the one I voted for.
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