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Old 03-15-2016, 10:02 AM
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mariocc mariocc is offline
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Re: RIP Keith Emerson

I ve been keeping a strange feeling these last days after knowing this tragical loss,,, each of us have a unique way to connect him and common place as well,,, I heard for first time Keith Emerson when I was 8 years old,,, 'from the beginning' solo,,, on a tv commercial,,,back '74,,, never forget that amazing or awsome effect it made on me,,
I knew something huge it was happening to my connection with music.. and every time I hear that solo it happens a sort of same effect..

years later,, read a short story told by Jim Hall,,,first time he heard Charlie Christian,,,in his early teens,,, he never forget that feeling and even in his 70s or 80s he felt same effect. Well ;; Hall decided to be a guitar player :-)

That s the magical gift from unique people like Keith Emerson gives to all us.

Cheers amigos !
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