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Old 12-27-2013, 04:30 PM
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podakayne podakayne is offline
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Re: Happy Birthday Keith 'Batman' Waye!!

hum truth be told...the officer is so bewildered by the by the sound of the doctor's tardis he actually falls behind the tardis and keithie trying to break his fall (ever the champion keithie) stumbles back into the tardis remarking how its "small on the outside then the inside" and he and the doctor swing a few back, makes use of the little gents room and is dropped off home just in time to tell Pam all about it...of course he takes him back a few hours so he won't have been late.

...i'm just saying
Happiest birthday to Keithie

just pretend i did this on the 24th...couldnt find the doctor to set it right
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