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Old 12-24-2013, 10:39 AM
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Re: Happy Birthday Keith 'Batman' Waye!!

Today is a special day. Not only is it the day of Christmas on this side of the North Sea, it''s also Keithie's birthday. A special person who deserves special treatment. In the past I had the habit of writing a short story where Keith is the main character and in the last dew days I've been racking my poor worn out brain to think of some thing special. But to get it down on paper turned out to be a momentous task beyond my capacity.

I had the idea though. Keith sent out to town by Pam bumps into his friend Stevie and they end up of course in a pub for several hours. Very well oiled Keith suddenly remembers he has to get home. He discovers he forgotten his phone so he stumbles outside in search of a phone box which nowadays is very hard to find. In a dark alleyway he sees what he thinks is a phone box. He stumbles in and falls into what turns out to be Dr. Who's phone box. Dr. Who makes a case of mistaken identity. I hadn't decided on who he thought Keith to be - whether he was a new doctor sent by the BBC or some terrible adversary from the past. But Dr.Who finds out Keithie is not sober and promptly throws him out.

While hanging on the the phone box Keithie feels he needs to release an abundant stock of fluids but before he attempts that undertaking, he comes face to face with a police officer who has discovered what Keith had in mind. The police officer decided to phone for a Black Maria but as he lifts the phone on the box the sound of a choir of vacuum cleaners signals the departure of Dr.Who taking the police officer with him. So poor old Keith is left standing there wanting to go home. Here I got a bit stuck - either to wake him up of his dream or signal perhaps the arrival of Pam. I'll leave that to you all.

But in the end it's still Keithie's birthday and I wish him a great day and a great coming musical year. Also Merry Christmas to Keithie and lovely Pam..........P.S: He can get his own back when I see him in 3 weeks....
Beware of the Spanish Inquisition,coming to a town NEAR you
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