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Old 12-01-2012, 12:26 PM
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Yesspaz Yesspaz is offline
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Brandon, MS
Posts: 3,134
Best Fictional Band?

Just for fun, who is the best fictional band? Please give a vote and share your vote and reason.

The choices:

The School of Rock

Wyld Stallyns

Dingos Ate My Baby

Drive Shaft

Sonic Death Monkey/Barry Jive and the Uptown Five

Spinal Tap

The Wonders

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem

The Blues Brothers

This really, really is tough, but I'm going with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. They're amazing, simply put. Admit it, if you had to hire a band for a party, The Electric Mayhem are first, Parliament second, everyone else third or worse.

My second place would be The Wonders (they actually all could play and it was a "real" fictional band; they played shows!). Third would be The School of Rock.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!

Last edited by Yesspaz : 12-01-2012 at 01:04 PM.
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