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Old 09-28-2011, 07:48 AM
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Re: OT-World of Warcraft

yeah, I've taken a few months off here and there, and even though I've gone back to playing recently, I've largely abandoned PvE. My guild still raids. I'm just not interested. Seems like the fight mechanics are more convoluted than fun anymore. My sons are pretty hard core into PvP, so I've come back to do BGs and arenas, and I dabble in leveling some characters when I'm bored, but it's totally not the same. I have a couple 85s and a smattering of 80s who I haven't even played in the new expansion, and a ton of other assorted characters littered all over, but I still primarily focus on my mage.

I kinda wish Diablo III would come out already. lol
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