The Fusion Reactor #220 - Searching For God
This week I thought I'd explore a very big topic: God. There are plenty of songs on the subject, to say the least. We're running the gamut from heavy prog to lighter fusion here, and beyond.
No, I do not get at all preachy during the approximately four minutes I talk.
Postcard To God - Vanden Plas 6:16
Have A Talk With God - Spitting Image, The 4:16
Oh God - Platypus 4:16
Prosthetic God - Ahleuchatistas 6:35
God And War - Foster, Jack III 8:00
God of War - Tescee, Ian 2:43
In the Hands of God - Nexus 14:46
Said God - Hunter, Charlie 6:09
Evidence Of God - Moore, Geoff & The Distance 5:43
All God Does - Ad Astra 5:09
Voice of God Cry Out - Glass Harp 4:04
The Revealing Science of God: Dance of the Dawn - Yes 20:24