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Old 10-29-2008, 06:04 PM
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Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon

Originally Posted by mailotron View Post
Japanese as Italian and Finnish have lot of open syllabes ( syllabes ending by a vowels) and that make those languages more easy to pronounce according to my very humble own experience in japanese and italian. For example there is only one ending consonant in japanese ( the letter n sometimes pronounced m according to the following one)an another difficulty in japanese is the double consonant -tt- -kk- -ss- and so on , each letter must be pronounced as a single one not as a doublet .
You bet mailo. I am surprised and appreciate that you can express better than us Japanese.
Furthermore, some of us Japanese can't distinguish the pronunciation of "L" and "R" well. That's the reason we Japanese have difficulty to learn English.
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