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Old 10-27-2008, 10:37 AM
Methem Methem is offline
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Re: Artist Rakku Rechardt on the Moon

Originally Posted by progdirjim View Post
Of course? OF COURSE?
I guess I added the "of course" because I thought the name of the guy might be familiar, as he's a long-time member of the Finnish band Wigwam.

Finnish is a crazy language and the CD was totally unclear as to which was the band/artist name, which was the album name, etc. i took a guess and it's a miracle I was as close as I was. Just how many a's, k's and u's in a row are allowed in Finnish?
Pardon? You mean names/words such as "Pekkkkka"? I haven't seen anything like that. It's usually two similar letters in a row at max.

Damo, *some* Finnish and Japanese words actually resemble each other and are probably pronounced in a somewhat similar manner. But that's obviously coincidental, not because of any common heritage.