Originally Posted by lotus
I personally would be afraid of a show from Spaz playing complete albums..Knowing my taste and (asuming) to know 10% of Spaz's taste for myself it would not be really cool.. 
I didn't say it'd be me picking albums. It'd simply be me punching a few buttons playing the new adds, no matter what they were.
Originally Posted by lotus
At the speed that Jim is uploading new albums on the playlist, it is impossible to have them all played on Wednesday randomly..
I don't think anyone's claiming that there's some inherent reason ALL albums have to play. I don't think anyone wants AM to become an "Album Station." The "radio" feel is too important. You maintain listeners easier song-by-song than album-by-album. For example, if I hated Pink Floyd, I'd sit through "Fearless," but not "Meddle."
Also, my post was two separate ideas, for the record.
Originally Posted by lotus
I personally think that the idea to make Wednesday a request free new album day is great. But Management should decide on which albums will be aired (easy, as a click is enough). I would leave it on Jim (then we can blame him) to choose the albums..that is a lot better than let SAM choose random pick of whatsoever.
No offense to Jim's picking ability, but how is it better than letting SAM pick? It'd still be one person's personal taste. That's the point of having an impartial DJ: it plays EVERYTHING in the library, thus everything gets aired, given enough time.
If we picked by poll or vote, we'd hear "Close to the Edge," "Going for the One," "Tales from Topographic Oceans," "The Yes Album," and "Fragile." Repeat. "Talk," "The Ladder," and "Drama" wouldn't win a poll. With SAM, we'd hear them all in turn, and never a Yes album repeat until they all played.
Again, I like the idea of a R. F. Wednesday album day once a month.
Be cool, my babies.