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Old 09-05-2008, 10:59 AM
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #207 - The Math Reactor

Well, this all adds up for me. Your speaking voice doesn't subtract anything from your program. Not sure we want to check out the singing side. That might cause some division amongst the regulars.

And what can be better than 2 times the fun on your show.

Have I met my quotient for puns yet?

Looking forward to the show.

Originally Posted by moses View Post
There has been some discussion recently as to exactly what "math rock" is. I thought I'd answer that question with a show.

Someone mentioned (much to my surprise) that they liked my radio voice. That's rather odd to me since, as some people seem to have a "face for radio," I've always thought I had a "voice for instrumental music." Math rock is primarily instrumental music, so I should be perfect for it, right? Then again, fusion is primarily instrumental as well.

Well, here are some very mathy and some not-so-mathy bands. Two hours worth - I hope you're up for it!

The Rancher of Neverland - Ebu Gogo 4:20
Rhythmic Displacement - Kalon 7:51
Birds Flying Into Buildings - Birds And Buildings 9:12
Bring On the Cobras - Rumah Sakit 8:19
Synchronicity III - Turing Machine 8:51
Memento Mori - Coma Lilies, The 8:53
The Eating Contest - Tabula Rasa 6:00
Shinkai - LITE 5:23
Slaughbaughs' Ought Not Own Dog Data - Don Caballero 4:43
B + T - Battles 6:09
Song on a Record You Can't Get - Speaking Canaries, The 4:54
The Buffalo Song - Bellini 3:15
The 2nd Perpetuate the Beautiful - Storm & Stress 4:09
Empathievery - Ahleuchatistas 6:26
viii - Cancer Conspiracy, The 6:15
Ransom Stoddard - Volta do Mar 6:55
Will's Red Bed - Hosemobile, The 7:18
Kaleidoscopic Tower - We Are The Music Makers 6:56

Happiness is a worn pun!
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