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Old 09-04-2008, 10:31 PM
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The Fusion Reactor #207 - The Math Reactor

There has been some discussion recently as to exactly what "math rock" is. I thought I'd answer that question with a show.

Someone mentioned (much to my surprise) that they liked my radio voice. That's rather odd to me since, as some people seem to have a "face for radio," I've always thought I had a "voice for instrumental music." Math rock is primarily instrumental music, so I should be perfect for it, right? Then again, fusion is primarily instrumental as well.

Well, here are some very mathy and some not-so-mathy bands. Two hours worth - I hope you're up for it!

The Rancher of Neverland - Ebu Gogo 4:20
Rhythmic Displacement - Kalon 7:51
Birds Flying Into Buildings - Birds And Buildings 9:12
Bring On the Cobras - Rumah Sakit 8:19
Synchronicity III - Turing Machine 8:51
Memento Mori - Coma Lilies, The 8:53
The Eating Contest - Tabula Rasa 6:00
Shinkai - LITE 5:23
Slaughbaughs' Ought Not Own Dog Data - Don Caballero 4:43
B + T - Battles 6:09
Song on a Record You Can't Get - Speaking Canaries, The 4:54
The Buffalo Song - Bellini 3:15
The 2nd Perpetuate the Beautiful - Storm & Stress 4:09
Empathievery - Ahleuchatistas 6:26
viii - Cancer Conspiracy, The 6:15
Ransom Stoddard - Volta do Mar 6:55
Will's Red Bed - Hosemobile, The 7:18
Kaleidoscopic Tower - We Are The Music Makers 6:56
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