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Old 05-31-2008, 08:26 AM
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Rick and Roll Rick and Roll is offline
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Re: The Fusion Reactor #195 - The New Breed of Fusion

Originally Posted by moses View Post
Oops yeah there are two... The Mahavishnu and the Gamalon. My mistake. The Mahavishnu is from 1984.
I figured you were referencing the Mahavishnu (I didn't know the year until I Googled it). I've never seen the master live, although the Dregs did Birds of Fire live - Steve Morse crowed "we got an original member in the band" (Jerry Goodman).

The Gamalon had the same effect on me as Mahavishnu has on others - I was in a record store called the Record Theatre (I hear is now closing all its stores, the Baltimore location's been dead for years) - and they were cranking it (I'd never heard music that loud in a record store except for Chris Lamka's Gongzilla shows at his store). That record blew me away.

There's a guy named Jerry Everett who takes over the 90.5 FM signal in Maryland (the station, WXPN, is out of Philly, and on Thurs 4:30-8:00 he broadcasts out of Kent Co on MD's Eastern Shore). He broadcasts out of Kent County High School and plays all instrumental fusion, mostly the fast kind. I'm not sure it's able to be heard up your way Moses, but his playlists are not too dissimilar from the Reactor.

Alas, next Thursday is his last show for the summer (because of school) - Jerry is older, but he's at the mercy of the school schedule.

Last edited by Rick and Roll : 05-31-2008 at 08:33 AM.
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