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Old 04-10-2008, 09:41 PM
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The Fusion Reactor #188 - Soul Music

Tonight's show is all about the soul. You also, as a free bonus, get to hear what my voice sounds like when I've got a terrible cold. But back to the music. I've got the usual mix of prog and fusion, light and heavy, short songs and epics. Things start off a bit ... how should I put it ... *extreme* and end up at the sublime. To my tastes anyhow. The playlist:

Soul Deprived - Extol 3:26
Soul Eternal - Patrick Moraz 13:16
Rubber Soul - Herbie Hancock 6:40
Wretched Soul - Pineapple Thief 4:58
Strip The Soul - Porcupine Tree 7:22
Soul In Your Mind - John Macaluso& Union Radio 5:45
Soul Power - T.J. Kirk 4:28
Factory Of Magnificent Souls - Iona 5:07
The Uplifting Spirit of Our Soul - Afromantra 5:59
How My Soul Cries Out for You - Kansas 5:46
Wildflower Soul - Sonic Youth 9:05
Broken Soul - Visual Cliff 4:48
Soul Diversion - Niacin 5:04
Lost Souls - Monster Island 4:35
Stranger In Your Soul - Transatlantic 30:00
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