The Fusion Reactor #157 - Dedicated To You, Part 2
More dedications, some of a rather odd sort. I know even less about these. OK, I'm pretty sure I know who John McLaughlin is referring to in "Song For My Mother." Otherwise, I often have no idea who or what is the actual intent here.
Song For Sybo Galactic Cowboys 2:51
Song For Paul One Hundred Days 4:07
A Song for Suzanne Styx 5:04
Song For George Johnson, Eric 1:50
Song for My Mother McLaughlin, John 2:34
Song For Alaya Starcastle 3:07
Song For America Kansas 10:03
Holy Lamb (Song for Harmonic Convergence) Yes 3:19
Music for Countries Volta do Mar 3:17
Blues For The Moving On No Restraints 3:16
Waltz for Bill Evans McLaughlin, John 2:01
Improvisation For STS9 Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey 5:27
Plena for My Grundle Garage a Trois 3:40
Prayer for the Ocean Waking Vision Trio 4:29
Gospel For J.P.F. III Jaco Pastorius Tribute 3:21
Lady Fantasy: Encounter/Smiles for You/Lady Fantasy Camel 12:46
Breaking Ribs for Tom Thayer Volta do Mar 4:08
Thing For You Supertramp 4:00
Requiem For The Living Sickert 5:27
Plans For J.D. Bruford, Bill 4:02
Lament For Bhopal Ahleuchatistas 5:56
Bells for 1827 Florio, Mike 7:25
Killing For London Gunn, Trey 6:27
Vote For Miles Davis, Miles 8:51