Originally Posted by roger
more great stuff.
I've been spending some time today thinking about "why do I like this stuff?"
not sure that I have an answer, but it sure does fascinate me.
it's like modern historical dinosaurs, or something...
I don't have an exact answer either. One of the reasons for liking this sort of stuff is that I'm sometimes interested in history in general, and old buildings, whether industrial or something else, certainly have something to tell about the past. And then there's just something fascinating, and at the same time scary, in seeing these old, abandoned places and how the nature is slowly reclaiming them. Probably the dinosaur thing you're talking about...
Old buildings, old cars, and other old things in general are often more sympathetic than their modern counterparts, from the aesthetic point of view. All these corporate "glass palaces" nauseate me; new cars largely lack personality (for rather practical and good reasons of course, but anyway); people think CDs obviously don't quite have the same feeling as vinyls (plus turntablists can scratch with vinyls, not with CDs

); and so on. I also think liking these old things might be some sort of counter reaction against the current hectic life and what often seems to be so blind, short-sighted progress. Things are changing too fast for many people to adapt. I'm not a conservative, but you need at least some stability, some "roots", something to attach to (hopefully not to harmful extent though). Just like you need certain people and their characteristics and want those people to remain around as long as possible. Something like that...
I'm not against progress, but we need to consider our moves carefully, not the way a certain bloated corporation develops its software.