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Old 03-06-2007, 04:08 PM
mailotron mailotron is offline
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Talking Re: What's in a name?

Originally Posted by mossy View Post
I love this sort of thread. SO much more interesting than discussing prog

When I was "young" and a hippy we used to take boat trips to remote islands in British Columbia and climb hills and lay around on moss. Because there is so much rain there, everything is covered in moss, there is even a variety that hangs off trees and is called old man's beard. I got sort of obsessed by moss and would collect specimens from the different areas....even attempted to weave a blanket with moss. Of course, once it dried out it wasn't comfy at all. Anyway, everyone started calling me mossy, and when I came to the Moon that was the first thing that came into my head, even though I hadn't been called mossy since those eventful hippy days.
Was Columbian moss smokable ?
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