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Old 02-11-2007, 10:41 AM
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Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by TheFish View Post
I'm in San Jose and there is some local prog next month at the avalon in santa clara. four bands in one nite. The headline is Enchant. March 24th is the date.
Enchant has only played once east of the Mississippi I think, and that was at Nearfest. Their first record is stunning, and subsequent ones after that are good, though not nearly as good as the debut (which is unusual). Their original drummer wrote a lot of that record, now it's more Neo-friendly..

I wish I was closer for the Nearfest show, and I didn't think they were suited for a big hall.

I would imagine they're great in a smaller setting. The guitar playing of Doug Ott is spectacular.

Looks like the set will be great, check it out....

Zero Hour is pretty heavy, but they have some melody. Prepare to bang thy head...I missed them a few months back at Orion.

Not familiar with Redemption, but Fates Warning and Symphony X are good pedigrees.

Looks like Enchant is a bit mismatched with the others, but if you like both styles, this is a good show.

Last edited by Rick and Roll : 02-11-2007 at 10:49 AM.
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