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Old 01-26-2007, 09:49 PM
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Re: West Coast Concerts

Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
The Left Coast of the US is so IGNORED by bands in general and Prog in pparticular, man! What can a guy do? !!
Really? I equate it to simple geography. The East Coast, north of VA is quite compact, and there is a lot going on prog there. Also, there is the festivals, But South of NC and just about everywhere else there is the same complaint.

There are tons of American bands that only play once a year that are the best known in prog. Djam Karet, Salem Hill, the list goes on. Plus the bands are scattered. There's a ton of reasons actually. Prog ignores everybody, it's not profitable to tour.

You have some great bands out there, we'll never see over here.

I will say the East coast gets more European bands. Less distance to travel.
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