Ok here goes.
First we need a solid rhythm section.
I'm hiring Mike Portnoy on drums.
He is a monster! He is in Dream Theater, OSI, Transatlantic & Liquid Tension Experiment.
Zoinks!... nothing else needs to be said.
Let's have Tony Levin on Bass and Stick.
Tony can pull a varitey of styles from his extensive experiences. There are too many to mention here. Go to his web page for the list and prepare to be amazed!
I think we need a Keyboard player next.
I am going to ask
Jordan Rudess to play.
Jordan can play in many styles and seems to be quite a versatile player. I like his recent ventures in to the world of Modular Moog and the combination with the Continuum is amazing. On one recent album I swear he was channeling Rick Wakeman from 20 years ago.
We are going to hire a couple Guitar players.
It is a "SuperGroup" which means we have great financial backing from the grey-suited-weasels in 'the front office'.
Steve Howe .
The 'professor' has such a style he on both acoustic and electric that he is in. I like the way he seems to 'noodle away' in the background as the song is going along that it is like an unstated melody.
Second, I want someone like
Joe Satriani . No, I take that back... not someone
like Joe Satriani.... I want Joe Satriani! I want a guitarist that will get the whole band ripping and jamming... Just rip a hole in the time-space continuum and blast right through.
Now a singer... do we have to have one? I wasn't really planning on having words... Hmmmm
Jon Anderson
We'll let him get all... "total mass as the river flows to the center of cosmic feeling of love and life as only you can know inside and outside the inner space." ...
This band is going to sound like "Surfing with the Metal ripping funk fingered Floyd to the center of the Earth of Love"
Name of the Band: Sapolehoruan (which is Japanese for House of Intense Heavy Insane Music)**
** Ok, it is not.
It is the hot and spicy sauce you use when dipping fillets of Deep Sea Frill Shark.