'S' bands with songs with the word 'of' in the title... You knew it had to be... some good stuff here:
Supertramp Crime Of The Century 05:40
Sonic Youth Webb Of Mud 1,2 & 3 02:51
Carlos Santana Cry of the Wilderness 03:05
Derek Sherinian Czar Of Steel 06:01
Joe Satriani Hordes Of Locusts 05:11
Schleigho 50% of the Battle (edit) 09:32
Section A Beginning Of The End 07:40
Starcastle Lady of the Lake 10:28
Patrik Skantze Gleam of Hope 11:08
Salem Hill Children Of The Dust 05:25
Saviour Machine Antichrist III - The King Of Babylon 07:09
Smokin' Granny The Legend of Jack Reethan 04:33
Spock's Beard At the End of the Day 16:28
Styx Fields of the Brave 03:24
Soft Machine Land of the Bag Snake 05:07
Schon & Hammer Sticks and Stones / Peace of Mind 05:13
Simon Apple Scenes of December 04:57
Synergy Change of Plans 04:47
http://fusionreactor.blogspot.com for links and such.