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Old 11-21-2006, 10:45 AM
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Rick and Roll Rick and Roll is offline
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Re: Favorite ELP Song

No not being used

Two reasons I is that I thought it would get a great response, and so far it has. Second, it would be good to get the feeling of why some do not like Pirates, in one place. There are certain polarizing songs (Echoes, Pirates, Supper's Ready) that always pop up in other threads. So we're quarantining Pirates so to speak, and also discussing a great band!

(at least up to Love beach )

That being said....

I don't think I could say it any better than Ted about Pirates. It's very exhilirating to me. Well done!

Tarkus is a close second. It's a perfect piece, and it's got everything.

Agreed % with Dot about the lyrical message in "The Only Way".

Some other ones I dig are Hallowed Be thy Name and Knife Edge.

Everyone has said some great ones!
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