Originally Posted by moses
I was in the mood to roll my Rs. These songs were a good fusion vehicle for that this week.
Holdsworth, Allan - House of Mirrors 07:47
Metheny, Pat - Too Soon Tomorrow 05:48
DiMeola, Al - Mediterranean Sundance 05:15
Ellefson, Randy - Weekend Warrior 04:55
Garcia, Al - Secret Correspondences 06:09
Scofield, John - Tomorrow Land 04:00
Gunn, Trey - Arrakis 05:21
Violent Silence - Torrential Rains 06:22
Salem Hill - Let Loose the Arrow 07:05
Gong - Crosscurrents 06:07
Weckl, Dave Band - Cultural Concurrence 08:05
Clay Green's Polysorbate Masquerade Band - Broken Mirror with Sand 02:43
Davis, Miles - Inamorata And Narration by Conrad Roberts 26:30
Fire Theft, The - Carry You 04:23
Cobham, Billy - Disfigured Mirrors 07:23
Soulive - Flurries 05:56
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Celestial Terrestrial Commuters 02:54
Ellefson...is he related to Dave Ellefson, famous bassist for Megadeth, montrose, and countless others?
I LOVE Let Loose the Arrow.....one of my very favortist songs.
Crosscurrents, Badass song - do you have the live version? I can't find that on CD.
Violent Silence, not familiar with them.
I could never roll my R's. Can't blow bubbles or pop my cheek either.
Are the songs related to rolling R's? i missed something..