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Old 08-01-2006, 11:41 AM
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Yesspaz Yesspaz is offline
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Classics song, and I don't know why

This came up in "The Ladder" thread. What are songs that are considered classics of prog that you personally just can't understand why they are so beloved. You're not saying they're bad songs, just not that good. This is not an "overrated song" thread, but rather a thread to list and question why some beloved track is in your opinion not that great. Also, try your best to refrain from hijackng the thread into a "let me explain why this song is great" thread. If you really feel the need to defend a song, please start a new thread. I doubt we'll be able to do this, but let's try. Ok, I'll start.

Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
I love this band - even named myself after it - but I don't see the fascination with this song. To me there are so many other better buried Yes songs of comparable length like "To Be Over," "Machine Messiah," "On the Silent Wings of Freedom," "New Languages," "Be the One," "Dreamtime," and "Bring Me to the Power." I like all these songs better than "Heart of the Sunrise" and would rather hear them live.

Genesis - Supper's Ready
Ug, what a bloated piece of boredom this is. I know that it's the single most requested song in the AM library, and that's what blows my mind. I can think of at least 1,000 songs I'd rather hear.

Rush - Cynus X-1: Book II: Hemispheres
Rush - 2112
I'm a big Rush fan, but these extended pieces to me are so incoherant, and in thc case of Hemispheres, monotonous, that I can't see the esteem they're held in. Both of these songs are the weakest side of their respective albums - by far! There, I said it.
Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Think I'll lay my fiddle down, take a rifle from the ground!
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